DYNAYAK represents the great wilderness. North latitude 35, it’s the most difficult route to cross in the world. Moving to the west along north latitude under Kun Lun mountain, there’s the largest no-man’s land of China, Chang Tang. There’s about 1,700 KM toward the west along north latitude 35.

The outdoor expedition experience through Xijir Ulan Nuur, near to Hoh Xil no-man’s land of Qinghai Province is really unforgettable. At -40°C, the car fell into the icy lake, and all devices were flooded. The team had been trapped in such a severe environment for 66 hours without any power supply. This story even has been made into a documentary to remind other outdoor enthusiasts that a real outdoor power station should be made. Power supply could save the life at a critical moment. The freedom to use electricity bothered outdoor enthusiasts for so many years. There is no any power station in the world that can work stably in low temperature and harsh environment.
DYNAYAK decided to accept this challenge and break the limitation. Finally, the professional outdoor power station, N35, was born. N35 is designed to solve power supply problem at various of severe environments.
Extreme High-Low Temperature Resistance
The world’s first portable power station breaking through the severe outdoor conditions of rain, snow, wind, or dust storm. N35 can work at an extremely cold and hot temperature, which reaches -40°C to 50° (-40°F to 122°F). And it’s a portable power station that works over 5,000 meters above sea level.
Innovative Waterproof Design
Featured on waterproof grade IP67, N35 is excellent waterproof and dust-proof, offering you safe power wherever you are. It still works very well even being immersed into water.
Strengthened Metal Casing
With rugged industrial design, we removed screen, switch and other elements which probably cause malfunction, instead of traditional indicator. The wooden handles make a very comfortable grip. And the innovative metal casing is coated with anti-corrosion material, which is built to last.
Integrated with cooling shell design, the whole casing is an effective cooling system. With free convection cooling solution and partitioned thermal control, it assures the even temperature inside the unit.
Power Everywhere
With 1200Wh capacity and 1800W AC output, N35’s advanced battery pack system enables you to power heavy-duty outdoor appliances and tools. The powerful 1200 Wh battery makes it perfect for camp, outdoors, and expedition, where it can easily power all your devices.
Multiple Recharging
N35 is designed to recharge in different options. You can connect with your car charger, solar panels, wall outlet, or 650W professional charger, which fully charged in two hours. DynaYak offers a 120W solar panel in a foldable design. It features portable and IP67 water resistance. Available to connect five solar panels with N35 to achieve up to 600W input.
N35 has experienced a variety of tests in harsh environments with our team at plateau, no-man’s land, and desert. N35 bring the innovative power station to the people around the world, who are enthusiastic in expedition, outdoors, camping, van life and working at extreme environment.
Coming in different version for users worldwide, available to back on Indiegogo now.