What You Should Know Before You Become a Nursing Student

If you have been accepted into a nursing program, congratulations! You have begun one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of your life. Before you jump into your studies, however, it is important that you understand exactly what you are getting into. This article will go over what you should know before you become a nursing student so that nothing blindsides you on your first day.
Clinical Rotations Will Not Start Immediately
Many nurses will tell you that their clinicals were one of their favorite parts of their nursing education. There are plenty of things you should know before you start clinicals, but they are likely not an immediate concern. In most nursing schools, clinical rotations do not start until the second semester. Hands-on experience is vital for a nursing career, but you need some education in a classroom before you are ready to try out your skills in the field.
You Will Feel Overwhelmed
Although you likely will not start your rotations until your second semester, there is still a great deal of schoolwork to make you stressed and overwhelmed. Between classes and other commitments, a nursing education is a lot. When you feel like you cannot handle the stress, follow these steps:
- Prioritize your responsibilities so that you know exactly what you need to do at what time.
- Say no to activities and distractions that will keep you from what is important.
- Fake it. Try to maintain your confidence, be calm, and know that many people have gone through this exact experience.
You Will Read a Lot
One of the most important bits of information on this list of what you should know before you become a nursing student is that you will read a lot. Some days, it may feel overwhelming how much reading homework you have to do. You must be organized. Find a method for keeping everything together. Whether it be an app, a calendar, or to-do lists, you need to understand how to prioritize quiet reading time.