5 Essential Tools for Long Road Trips 

Road trips are always an exciting prospect, but things can go wrong quickly if you’re not properly prepared. Driving for long periods of time inevitably means there are more chances of things going wrong, as well as your passengers growing more frustrated! Here are 5 must-have things to bring with you to make sure your next road trip goes smoothly.

Portable Battery

Arguably the worst thing that can happen on a road trip is having your battery going dry. This can especially be an issue when you’re driving in remote areas where you can get stuck in the middle of nowhere if you’re not careful. In these situations, portable power sources are an invaluable tool to have in your car. Not only can they enable you to start your engine if the worst happens and yours dies, but they are also beneficial for charging devices when you’re stationary, without having to drain the car’s battery.


Traveling long distances increases the chance that you can end up getting lost. This is something you definitely want to avoid, as road trips can be long enough journeys without also getting lost. GPS devices are consequently an indispensable tool to bring with you on any longer trip.

Many modern cars now come with GPS built-in to their onboard computers, but purchasing external GPS is also an inexpensive option today. Many of the latest GPS also come with additional useful features such as route adjustment based on traffic and Bluetooth connectivity.

Air Compressor

It’s always a good idea to make sure your tires are fully pressurized before embarking on your road trip, but it’s never possible to predict what might happen on your journey. Remote areas may also have lower quality roads that can make it more likely that your tires are damaged during your trip. Bringing a 12V air compressor can thus be a highly useful tool to bring with you, as it can save you both time and money, not to mention peace of mind.


How you intend to keep you and your passengers sustained is also something that’s worth thinking about for a long journey. Your options may be limited for food and drink during your journey, with them often being restricted only to fast food. Regularly stopping at rest stops can also be time-consuming, not to mention costly, if you need to do so multiple times. Bringing a cooler with you on a journey can therefore expand your options, enabling you to bring your own snacks and giving you access to healthier food choices, as well.

Car Trash Can  Trash and debris can pile up quickly on a road trip when you’re confined to your car for long periods of time. And while this can sound like only a minor inconvenience, to make your journey enjoyable, it’s important you keep your car as comfortable a place to be as possible. A travel trash can is thus a handy thing to bring with you to keep your car tidy

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