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Commercial Properties: Dealing With Drainage Challenges

Drainage is an integral part of any property, but it can be especially challenging for commercial properties. There are several benefits to proper water drainage on a commercial property. This article will discuss the most common drainage challenges for commercial properties and how to overcome them so that commercial property owners can enjoy those benefits.

Understanding Drainage Challenges for Commercial Properties

One of the biggest challenges for commercial property owners is dealing with drainage issues. When it rains, or when the snow melts in the spring, water must have a place to go. If your commercial property has an incline, that water will go to the lowest point, which is often near the building’s foundation. If your property doesn’t have proper drainage, you can expect to experience several problems, including:

  • Foundation settling and cracking
  • Puddling or pooling of water on the property
  • Damage to the landscaping and pavement from excess water
  • Rust and corrosion on the building materials due to moisture exposure
  • Mold growth in moist, warm environments
  • Mosquitoes and other pests attracted to standing water

The Most Common Drainage Problems for Commercial Properties

Water can often be a commercial property’s worst enemy. When not managed and dealt with properly, it leads to serious drainage problems. Here are the four most common drainage challenges for commercial properties:

  • Flooding – Flooding is one of the most prominent and problematic issues that occurs when a business doesn’t manage its water. This can cause severe damage to the property and its contents. It creates an unsafe environment for employees and customers.
  • Clogged drains – When drains become clogged, water has nowhere to go but up. This leads to flooding, backups, and even health hazards from the standing water.
  • Leaky roofs – A leaky roof can allow water to seep into the property and damage ceilings, walls, and other fixtures.
  • Ponding – If rain or melting snow accumulates in one spot on the property for an extended period, it can create a pond that causes serious damage over time.

Dealing with drainage problems is crucial for the safety and longevity of any commercial property. By being aware of these four common issues and taking the necessary steps to prevent them, business owners can help keep their property in top condition.

Identifying and Addressing Common Drainage Problems

You can do a few things to identify and address common drainage problems on your commercial property. First, take a look at the slope of your land. If it’s not gradual enough, you may need to install retaining walls or other structures to help direct water away from the building. You should also check for areas where water tends to pool and take steps to correct the problem. If your property has a drainage system in place, make sure it’s working correctly and is big enough to handle the amount of water that flows through it.

If you’re experiencing any of the problems listed above, or if you’re just not sure whether your property has adequate drainage, it’s always a good idea to consult with a professional. A qualified engineer or contractor can assess the situation and recommend solutions that will work for your specific property. Taking care of drainage problems now can help prevent bigger and more expensive problems down the road.

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