Get Frosty and Become a Legend of the High Seas in the Latest Update for 6v6 Arcade Brawler Plunder Panic

A cold wind is blowing in off the port side, as Plunder Panic, the 6v6 pirate-themed multiplayer arcade title from Will Winn Games, today introduces a frigid new map with exciting secrets to discover as well as a shareable player stats system! These additions arrive today for Plunder Panic on Steam Early Access ahead of the action-packed title’s full release on consoles and PC this spring!

The new portrait system features a bountiful booty of pirate stats that change based on your personal plundering career, taking the form of a stylized ‘Wanted’ poster. Pirates all across the world will shiver when they take a gander at your notorious mug.

The addition of this highly shareable poster also comes with a new pirate ledger, which contains advanced stats across various plundering categories, including Career, Captain, Crew, Items, Awards, and more! These added stats are a great way to share your well-deserved pirate cred with your friends and strangers on the internet. 

But that’s not all! The frost wizards at Will Winn Games have braved the frightfully frigid waters to deliver an exciting new battlefield. Their latest map, “The Lost Glacier”, is a bone chilling, yet bountiful level that features unique sea life, dangerously icy platforms, tons of booty to plunder and…a snowball-throwing Yeti? The pirate’s life is certainly never dull!

About Plunder Panic 

Inspired by classic SNES games, Plunder Panic blends retro graphics, arcadey action, and a boatload of online (and offline) gameplay modes and options to shiver even the most hardened pirates’ timbers. Two teams of up to six players must go all hands on deck and face off against each other, utilizing a variety of weapons, enchanted items, and power-ups. Quick, round-based matches begin as rival teams anchor their ships on the same island. Only the scurviest dogs will prevail once the action starts, with victory within reach if the rival team loses either too much of their gold, their ship gets scuttled, or if their precious captain takes a trip to Davy Jones’ locker. It’s up to teams to decide on an offensive or defensive approach!

While still in Early Access, Plunder Panic has proved quite a hit so far with critics and content creators alike:

Plunder Panic is available now for Windows PC and MacOS via Steam for a reduced Early Access price of $9.99. The game will also release on PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch in spring 2022.

To learn more about Plunder Panic, visit to sign-up for the newsletter and join the game’s official Discord server. Fans can also follow on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

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