THE TIME I HAVE LEFT debuts at the Future Games Show, the time-driven escape adventure that ends in six hours

Independent developer GROUND Game Atelier announced their debut title, The Time I Have Left, as part of yesterday’s Future Games Spring Showcase. The Time I Have Left is available to wishlist now on Steam and will launch for PC in 2023. 

The Time I Have Left is a time-driven exploration game with RPG elements and a big focus on storytelling. The player takes the role of Aline, a woman affected by a mysterious condition that marks her for certain death: The Miasma. Players will guide Aline in a race against time to escape from an enormous underground complex, Colony 7.

The Time I Have Left features:

We have been working in the shadows for a long time and there’s still a lot of work on our plates, but with The Time I Have Left we aim to give back at least a part of what games have given us over the years.” says Yite, creative lead at GROUND.  “We hope you liked what you’ve seen so far, and we look forward to bringing you more in the near future.” 

The Time I Have Left will be available in 2023 for PC and is available to wishlist now. Follow GROUND on Twitter and visit to learn more about this thrilling psychological adventure.

GROUND was formed in 2020 as an independent development team consisting of Creative Lead Yite and Technical Director Elias Maidanik based out of Barcelona, Spain. Embodying the ethos that great ideas do not expire, GROUND shapes their work by distilling the essence of forgotten gems in their personal take on what a game can be, say, and mean. GROUND places equal value on technology and art and strive to inspire others in the way they were inspired.

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