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Tips for Getting a Job Working on an Oil Rig

Whether you are right out of high school or you are trying to increase your earning potential sometime after that, working on an oil rig can be a very lucrative career. In addition, you don’t need a college degree to work on one, so this will let you start earning significant sums of money right away.

However, the work is quite difficult and labor-intensive. Nonetheless, here are some tips for getting a job working on an oil rig.

Gain an Apprenticeship First

In order to gain experience for this role, you should seek out an apprenticeship on a land rig. Not only will this allow you to learn about the trade, but you will also make valuable connections that could lead to higher-paying jobs in the future. If you work as an apprentice on a land rig, you will have a much easier time finding a job on an offshore drilling site later on.

Become a Roustabout

You don’t need experience or any sort of formal education to become a roustabout, but it would help if you had a year or two as an apprentice under your belt before you become one. During your time in this position, you will live on a loud, dangerous, and dirty oil rig for weeks at a time, so that is why you will want to work on a land rig first.

This job is entry-level for the drilling industry, and your primary responsibilities will be to haul extremely heavy gear, paint the deck, and clean up messes. Although the job isn’t glamorous, you can expect to earn as much as $50,000 just starting out. Also, if you haven’t done so already, you will want to purchase some fire-resistant coveralls because being a full-time oil worker is a job that requires coveralls.

Earn Promotions and Work Your Way Up From There

After spending some time being a roustabout, you will eventually become a roughneck by the end of the year. Roughnecks still perform plenty of hard labor, but they also get to operate some drilling tools, lay drilling pipes, and extract drills.

Once you spend a couple of years working this job, you can work your way up through the ranks to become a pumpman, then a derrickman, and eventually the assistant driller. If all goes well, you will become a rig manager within a few years and can expect to earn well into the six-figure range.

Overall, if you follow these tips for getting a job working on an oil rig, you can set yourself up for success later in life. Earning six figures will allow you to spend money on whatever you desire, like cars, video games, and more!

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