DreadXP Brings the Scares to PAX East 2022 with Four New Titles

DreadXP — an independent horror publisher and production company — is proud to announce today its debut as a major trade show exhibitor. From Thursday, April 21 through Sunday, April 24, DreadXP will be in attendance at PAX East 2022 in Boston, Massachusetts at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center with a dedicated booth offering new hands-on demos of four positively spooky titles: Dread DelusionMy Friendly NeighborhoodThe Mortuary Assistant, and SPOOKWARE Multiplayer. Additionally, fans can purchase new and exclusive merchandise based on DreadXP’s most popular titles at the booth, as well as enter giveaways. 
“Almost two years after the release of our very first game, DreadXP will soon celebrate its growth as a games publisher by making its debut at PAX East 2022,” said Ted Hentschke, Head of Productions at DreadXP. “We’re all extremely excited to exhibit at the show for the first time and offer hands-on demos to attendees. And while we’ll never truly leave behind the grungy, dark dwelling where the company’s humble beginnings originated from, we’re excited to see DreadXP enter the big leagues and spread our “positively spooky” brand of games to more fans. We’re only just getting started as well.”

Attendees can go hands-on with each title from DreadXP’s PAX East 2022 Line-Up: 

Attendees can find DreadXP on the PAX East show floor at Booth #20079, in the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, from April 21 – April 24, 2022 during Expo Hall hours (10:00 AM – 6:00 PM ET). 

A spinoff of its parent site Dread Central, DreadXP is a game studio, publisher, and media company championing the horror genre. The company transitioned into video game development and publishing in 2020 with Dread X Collection. DreadXP has since released three Dread X Collection sequels, SPOOKWARESucker for Love: First Date, and several freeware titles such as BAD BEN. PAX East 2022 marks the publisher’s first major trade show appearance as an exhibitor. 

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About DreadXP

DreadXP is an indie horror production and publication label that focuses on unique, experimental titles that have been overlooked by the bigger labels. The company is passionate about creating a positive horror community with a focus on supporting developers and delivering the unique content genre fans crave. Previously released titles include the Dread X Collection series, Spookware, and Sucker for Love: First Date. To learn more about DreadXP, please visit www.dreadxp.com.

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