Main Causes of Teen Driving Accidents In The US

Teenagers in the United States frequently die from car accidents, so much so that many consider them to be the biggest killer of teenagers. Teens can avoid car accidents by understanding some of the main causes of such accidents. Here are some of the main causes of teen driving accidents in the US!
Lack of Experience
According to a 2015 CDC report examining the prevalence of teenage accidents, Teen drivers are three times more likely than adult drivers to die in a car accident, mainly because they cannot recognize and avoid road risks. Teens are less likely than more experienced drivers to notice dangerous conditions, like wet roads or automobiles stopped on the shoulder. They are also more likely to underestimate dangerous scenarios and make critical mistakes. Accident risk is highest in the first few months after a teen receives his or her driver’s license. The risk decreases as the motorist obtains expertise on the road.
Distracted drivers under the age of 20 have the greatest rates of fatalities in the country, particularly those who text and use cell phones while driving. According to the same 2015 report, 42 percent of high school students who drove in the previous 30 days admitted to texting or emailing while driving. Students who admitted to texting frequently were also more likely to engage in other potentially dangerous driving habits, such as drinking.
Driving With Friends
Researchers in the previously stated study have established a relationship between the number of teen passengers and the probability of a crash when an unaccompanied teenager is driving. Fortunately, Tennessee’s Graduated Driver License (GDL) Program has provisions in place to keep teens from transporting too many passengers while they are still learning. Those driving with a learner’s permit must have a licensed driver over the age of 21 in the front seat, while those with an intermediate license (Level II) can only have one passenger.
We hope you found our recap of the main causes of teen driving accidents in the US informative! Please take these causes into account. You can also learn what it means to be a high-risk driver so that you can understand how to navigate insurance.