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Regular Conveyor Belt Maintenance You Should Perform

One of the best machines for efficiency in production, transport, and storage is the belt conveyor system. These systems help businesses move hundreds to thousands of items every day, which means they suffer from a lot of wear. That’s why anyone who uses a belt conveyor system should learn about the regular conveyor belt maintenance you should perform.


The most important part of maintenance is regular inspections to discover any potential issues in your equipment as soon as possible. Every day you use a belt conveyor should start with a brief inspection to ensure the conveyor is clear for use. Every month, you should run a deeper inspection checking the inner mechanisms for damage or wear.

Check for Buildups

Although conveyors can carry a large assortment of materials, some slowly damage and leave residue on the belts. A part of regular conveyor belt maintenance you should perform is checking your belt for buildup and cleaning it. Otherwise, your system may slow down and eventually break from the buildup.

Proper Alignment

Whether it’s from worn parts or a mistake during operation, the alignment of parts can shift. This is bad, as it may speed up the wear and reduce the efficiency of your operations. Checking the alignment of your belt and the tension of your belt can prevent a lot of issues and is easy to add to your monthly inspections. Here are some tips to tighten the tension of your conveyor belt, as the process is rather complex.

Clean Your System

During your regular monthly checkups, you should also thoroughly clean the conveyor system. Cleaning the system is important as the conveyor belt can wear a lot quicker if it’s dirty as the system runs. Additionally, the inner mechanisms need cleaning to prevent worse wear and tear.

Replace Worn Parts

Leaving worn parts inside your system may save some money for a bit, but it leads to extensive damage in the end. Replace any worn parts of the belt conveyor to avoid spreading the damage and ensure full operation of your system.

These are the main parts of conveyor belt maintenance you should run frequently. Adding these maintenance tasks to your inspections can save you a lot of money and prevent equipment breakdowns.

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