The Benefits of Using a Hydraulic Pile Hammer

Hydraulic pile hammers have numerous benefits over their counterparts, like the diesel-powered hammer. Understand the benefits of using a hydraulic pile hammer, and you’ll quickly realize what the better option is. A hydraulic pile hammer is precisely what you need for efficiency, time, and accuracy.
Controllable Variable Stroke
There is more control when it comes to hydraulic pile hammers; the system relies on hydraulic fluid and motors to raise the weight above the ground, giving the employee more control over the machine. By monitoring the hammer, closely variable strokes become much more efficient and accurate. The more control you have over this type of machine, the more precise the piling will be.
Low Impact Velocity
Attaching a hydraulic pile hammer to an excavator like long reach drill rigsoffers a reduction in rupture or damage to your piles. A low impact velocity means the hammer has only one aspect moving at a time for more efficiency. Because the machine is easily controllable, certain soils the diesel hammer cannot penetrate are easier for the hydraulic hammer.
High-Efficiency Blow
When the hammer is raised to its full height, it creates a highly efficient blow to the pile. This process can be carried out more accurately as the hammer delivers the pile into the ground after each blow. With the hydraulic drop height, the employee can control the energy and the blow rate of the machine a lot more.
Other characteristics that offer benefits of using a hydraulic pile hammer are a light mass, clean running, and being environmentally friendly. This machine is very quiet compared to other rigs and is lightweight, making for more accessible transportation. Saving the environment from diesel fumes is a bonus as well.
Choosing a hydraulic pile hammer is a no-brainer over the other traditional hammers. Next time you begin a contracting project, consider using a hydraulic pile hammer to ensure the project starts on the right foot.