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How To Clean Acrylic Aquariums Without Leaving Scratches

Acrylic aquariums are lightweight, durable, and come in many shapes. However, despite their resistance to breakage, acrylic can scratch very easily, making it hard to clean the small fractures bacteria like to hide in. This makes scrubbing an aquarium nerve-wracking for even the most experienced fish hobbyists. That’s why this article will be your guide to cleaning acrylic aquariums without leaving behind scratches.

Use the Right Tools

While there are many helpful tips and tricks for cleaning a tank, acrylic tanks require a few extra steps to keep them looking good. When cleaning an acrylic tank, you can’t use just any sponge, or you’ll end up with dozens of micro-scratches on the surface. When scrubbing debris, dirt, or algae, you have a few options. You can use a microfiber cloth, a cotton rag, or a melamine sponge. These tools are soft and durable, making them perfect for removing tough algae spots.

However, if you can’t remove a thick spot of algae build-up, a plastic scraper is much safer to use than a metal scraper or razor blade.

Use the Right Techniques

In truth, any tool can cause scratches if you’re not careful or you’re not using the right technique, especially when using a scraper. When scraping off algae, never scrape at an angle, even if it seems easier. Instead, scrape completely flush against the tank to ensure you’re not doing any damage. If you’re struggling with a specific spot, switch between your sponge and scraper to slowly get rid of the layers.

Avoid Catching Gravel

One of the most common causes of bad scratches in acrylic tanks happens when the gravel gets caught between your sponge and the acrylic panes. It’s incredibly easy for substrate or gravel to get kicked up during the cleaning process, and it’s hard to see when something gets caught in your sponge. After every few passes, inspect whatever you’re using to wipe down your tank and watch what your hands are doing from the outside instead of peering into the tank. If you’re setting up a new aquarium, make sure to add everything after you’ve thoroughly cleaned the acrylic.

Cleaning an acrylic aquarium without leaving scratches is actually very easy once you realize that all it takes is a gentle, patient hand and the right equipment.

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