The sun shines brightly in Trove through Sunrise Update

gamigo is happy to announce that the “Sunrise” update for its voxel-based MMO, Trove is out today on PC. The new update is one of the biggest ever released for Trove, bringing a new class, a new and unique biome, and much more new content to explore – all for free!

It introduces the Sundered Uplands, a new biome to Trove, that features unique upper and lower levels – the Cloud Layer and the Ashen Wastes, which can have an effect on each other. Many new adventures await Trovians in this challenging new biome, from new Ultimate Bosses in special 5-star dungeons in the Ashen Wastes, to mining the rich resources in the Cloud Layer. But don’t try to fly too high since the Sundered Uplands were declared a “No Fly Zone”.
The “Sunrise” update also shines a spotlight on the new Solarion class. This servant of the Sun Goddess takes down enemies with a combination of his bow for ranged attacks, and a pet phoenix that launches itself at them with fast and fierce melee attacks. Additional abilities for the Solarion include Solar Flare – a charged explosive shot that damages enemies over time – and Guiding Light – summoned pillars that damage enemies and heals friendly targets within their area.
Trove’s “Sunrise” update is out today for free on PC and will be available on PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch coming soon.
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About gamigo group
The gamigo group is one of the leading publishers of online and mobile games in Europe and North America. The group’s diverse game portfolio includes free-to-play titles such as Fiesta Online, Trove and Aura Kingdom and mobile games like Fantasy Town and Heroes of Twilight. Counting more than 400 employees, gamigo group is one of the largest players in the gaming industry. Besides its German locations in Hamburg (HQ), Berlin and Darmstadt, the gamigo group also has branches in Austin and Bellevue (US), and in Seoul (South Korea). In addition to gamigo AG, the group includes the subsidiaries gamigo Inc. operating as “WildTangent”, gamigo US Inc., gamigo Publishing GmbH and KingsIsle Entertainment, Inc. The gamigo group strives to grow organically as well as through acquisitions. Since 2013, it has made more than 25 acquisitions, including titles, gaming and technology companies as well as individual game assets. The gamigo group is part of Media and Games Invest (MGI). Learn more about gamigo group at Learn more about MGI at