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Future of Digital Marketing

These days, we are living in a world that is making gigantic steps in the digital direction and most things we used to do offline are now so closely integrated into the digital landscape we can’t imagine our society without it. With that in mind, it shouldn’t really come off as a surprise that digital marketing makes the most important venue for reaching out to new clients and putting our brands on the radar.

This situation will become only more pronounced as time goes by.

But, how will digital marketing look further down the road? Digital tech has a tendency of evolving at a lightning pace. What tools and strategies we are going to use to engage people and what hot new trends will shape the booming digital marketing industry a couple of years from now?

Let us try to find out.

Voice search rocking the world

Voice search took some time to take off. But, even though this form of interaction didn’t prove to be quite practical in the world of smartphones, the rise of IoT, virtual assistants, as well as tons of smart devices like smart speakers, pushed this technology to an entirely new level. These days, it is estimated that more than half of the total search queries are performed by voice search. Keeping in mind that the IoT continues picking up steam, we see no reason why this trend would slow down anytime soon. So, expect to see more Alexa, more smart devices, and a higher volume of voice search-powered queries.

Social media’s growing relevance

These days, it looks like social media has reached its full potential and has no way of going forward. But, even though some names like Facebook may look a bit stale, none of them is truly fading away. On the contrary, the constant influx of new products only gives the users new ways to express their opinions, creativity, and personal affections. This way, the line between the real world and social media continues fading and social discourse becomes more tied to digital space. This situation, however, gives marketers a chance to get to know their customers in a much more personal, deeper, emotional, and social manner.

Refocused SEO priorities

The process of SEO, without any doubt, makes one of the main pillars of modern digital marketing. However, much like any other aspect of the digital world, SEO is also undergoing fast evolution. Sure, if you are expanding to some new territory like Australia you will hire professional SEO Sydney services to sort out backlinking, content and local searches and these things won’t change anytime soon. However, the future SEO will put a much higher priority on relevance, context, and quality. Offering outstanding value will refocus SEO from increasing visibility to building strong and authoritative online brands.

Rise of micro-influencers

When was the last time you watched a YouTube video that your favorite online personality hasn’t recommended some product like NordVPN or Audible? This form of influencer marketing is just fine and, for quite some time, it kept all parties involved satisfied. However, put together bloated channels, fake accounts, and dishonest recommendations and you will see why this market needs to change. So, instead of pursuing big names with millions of followers marketers will simply use a greater number of micro-influencers with more niche audiences whose recommendations actually make sense.

Augmented reality breaching the mainstream

Much like voice searches, AR always demonstrated tremendous potential but, besides a couple of moments in the spotlight, it seems it never truly caught on and became a part of the mainstream. Well, with the IoT evolving at a relentless pace, AR-capable wearables becoming more affordable and the tech more and more being used for something other than catching Pokemon, it is safe to say that AR will finally become a part of every household and find a way to every smart device. Of course, this growth in popularity opens the marketers a new venue for releasing content and interacting with the audiences.

Video dominates the online space

Video is, by far, the most powerful, simple, and streamlined way of communicating online. So, it’s really no wonder that, at this moment, video content accounts for about 82.5% of all web traffic. If you are looking for the channel you should exploit in the future, you will hardly find a better option than this one. We should also remember that popular streaming platforms like Disney Plus and Netflix have announced more affordable plans that will play video ads to the users. This channel alone should make video content and video ads more relevant than ever and secure them a dominant place in the future.

We hope these few examples gave you a general idea about the general direction in which digital marketing will keep moving in the following years. Of course, these mentions are only the tip of the iceberg, and keeping in mind the spend in which the digital technologies are evolving giving any safe and more comprehensive estimates about the outcomes of this evolution is not really possible. But, judging from the developments that are currently in motion, we have a very exciting period ahead of us.

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