Press Releases

How Construction Companies Can Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

Power tools and heavy machinery are necessary devices to execute a project but harm the environment. Landfills, electricity usage, and fuel consumption are major contributors to the amount of carbon released into our atmosphere. Construction companies can reduce their carbon footprint by making small or large changes to any one of these areas.

Create Awareness Among Workers

You cannot successfully implement a strategy for reducing carbon emissions without ensuring every employee is on the same page. When you are making the following changes to the project plans, fill the workers in so they can prepare better. When everyone puts in a conscious effort, you will significantly minimize your carbon footprint.

Build With Recycled Materials

To reduce the number of products you send to the dump, consider building with recycled materials. This will reduce waste, and it requires less labor and energy to produce. For example, concrete has a high carbon output, so greener materials like timbercrete or recycled plastic are more sustainable options.

Reduce Transportation & Fuel Consumption

The fewer times you need to transport materials to a job site, the less carbon you are pushing into the environment. When you bring in new equipment or materials, ensure the vehicle you use is the correct size compared to the load weight so the truck won’t have to work as hard during transport. In addition, choose a quality foundation drilling rig that helps improve fuel efficiency and consumption.

Green Building Techniques & Design Features

A practice that will allow you more control over waste, energy, and pollution is constructing specific components of the build in a factory setting. This allows for a controlled environment, reducing your company’s carbon footprint. Increase sustainability by installing green design features, like solar panels, window glazing, and insulation to minimize the energy consumption after the project is complete.

Large businesses that contribute to carbon emissions must reduce their footprint to improve public health and mitigate the effects of climate change. The earth isn’t the only one benefitting from a more sustainable work practice—for your company, it could cut down on time and money and minimize potential construction problems. Start implementing these practices on your job site.

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