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Raising Children Isn’t The Easiest Thing To Do, But You’ve Got This

Raising children is not the easiest thing in the world to do. There are so many ups and downs when you are raising kids, and each of them is different to the other. As such, if you have other kids that you are trying to raise, who act a certain way and who like certain things, there is nothing to say that you are going to experience the same with your new baby. In fact, statistically, it’s more likely that each child you have is going to have a completely different personality, different habits and so on. This can make things extremely difficult because you’re either a new parent who doesn’t know what to expect, or you’re already a parent and you think you know, but you don’t.

In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at how you can cope with raising your children. You’ve got this, we know you do, but here’s some advice so that you know you’re not alone.

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The Newborn Stage

Some people think this is the hardest stage of your child’s life, while others think it is the easiest. There is no right or wrong answer to this, it is whichever age you prefer. One of the reasons it can turn out to be the hardest part of parenting is the lack of sleep, combined with the crying it can result in you feeling absolutely exhausted. Always make sure that you accept any help that is offered to you, this could be from friends or family. You may need or want to make use of professional help as well, such as a mother’s help or nanny.

During The First Year

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The first year is going to be one of the hardest stages. This is not necessarily because they are difficult in themselves as this comes later in their toddler years. It’s so difficult because you need to learn to navigate a new way of life, a new way of doing things, and you have to do this with a whole load of pressure piled on top of you. It’s not easy in the slightest even if you have support and that is what people who aren’t parents don’t understand. We do though, and you’re not alone in how you’re feeling.

A lot is happening in the first year. You’re working out how to work your life around this child and your others if you have them, and your kids are learning about the world. Your new baby is going through so many different developmental leaps, and they are always learning even when you don’t realize that this is what is going on. You may think that you have got things in hand, you’ve got a lovely routine going, and then bang here comes sleep regression. We recommend that you look at an article such as Surviving The 6-Month Sleep Regression: Tips From The Experts as this will give you lots of helpful advice about getting through this tough time.

Straight Into Toddlerhood

Everyone dreads their children growing into toddlers for varying reasons. For those of you who have heard of the terrible 2’s, this is a tough time for everyone involved. Your toddler is likely expressing their big feelings by shouting or screaming, going through phases of extreme tantrums, hitting themselves or others and so much more. It’s an extremely trying time, and a lot of parents find themselves at a loss of what to do, repeating to themselves 10 times a day that they can’t do this. But, you can do this, and you will do this. Toddlers don’t know how to properly express how they are feeling and this can be quite frustrating which causes many of them to act out. There are a lot of changes going on at this time, and your toddler is trying to navigate life as well. Remember that they are just little people, and we’re all allowed to have bad days.

As well as this, toddlers like to push boundaries to see how much they can get away with. It’s something that every child will do at some point, and you just need to try and stay as calm and collected as you can. Don’t allow them to push it past what you have already set, even if it feels like the easier option at the time.

Keeping Them Engaged

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Right from the start, it can be hard keeping your baby engaged and entertained. They will cry if they are bored and it can take you a while to figure this out. If you have checked all the other reasons for the tears then they are just bored. Sitting on the floor with them, playing with their toys, reading to them, and going to the park are all engaging activities for children of all ages. If you have one more than one child then this can be easier on you as they can play with each other. Obviously, they need to be watched as arguments and squabbles can happen at any moment.

Alternatively, you can join some mother and baby classes. These are created for the sole purpose of making mummy friends. They put on engaging activities such as reading stories and singing nursery rhymes with the kids.

Developing Their Learning

It is essential that you teach your child every step of the way. You may not realize but your child is learning right from the moment they are born, they are taking everything in right from the start. There are five main areas of development that your child will be working on, these include physical, intellectual, language, emotional & social. If there are any delays in these areas of development then they will be picked up by the doctor at your child’s developmental checks. You can work on these areas each and every day. Encouraging your child to crawl, walk, read, sing, and make friends will help them with their journey into adulthood.

All Those Changes Are Tough

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It’s tough to handle all the changes that are going on at any given time. This is the case for the parents and the children, so it’s important that you work on navigating through this together. Instead of shouting or reprimanding your child straight away, try offering them another solution to the issue that they are facing. Or, if their feelings are the issue, tell them that you know feelings can be tough, but you can work through them together. A lot of people will call this gentle parenting, but it’s just providing your child with the respect that they deserve as a person. We’re not saying that they shouldn’t be punished if they continue to do something they know is wrong as actions have consequences, but don’t be so quick to punish if you can help it.

Don’t worry, we know that sometimes you’re on your last nerve and you lose your temper, but you shouldn’t beat yourself up about this. Give your children grace, but remember to give yourself grace too.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you are going to need to think about doing when it comes to raising your children. It’s never going to be an easy task, but it’s one that is absolutely worth it all in the end. When you look into the eyes of your child, or they give you a hug, it is one of the most precious things in the world and a feeling that you are never going to be able to beat. We wish you the very best of luck and encourage you to hang in there, no matter how hard it gets.


I am the owner of and the Verizon Wireless Reviewer for My love of gadgets came from his lack of a Nintendo Game Boy when he was a child . I vowed from that day on to get his hands on as many tech products as possible. My approach to a review is to make it informative for the technofile while still making it understandable to everyone. Ben is a new voice in the tech industry and is looking to make a mark wherever he goes. When not reviewing products, I is also a 911 Telecommunicator just outside of Pittsburgh PA. Twitter: @gizmoboaks

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