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Why More Men Are Switching To Alcohol-Free Drinks

These days, there’s been an uptake of men who are switching to alcohol-free drinks. They don’t do it all the time, but instead of going for a few classic beers, they might opt to enjoy the same beverage without alcohol.

It’s funny, there’s always been a stigma surrounding alcohol-free drinks because you might seem weak or less manly when you drink them. In reality, that’s a load of bull. But, why are more and more men making the switch or at least entertaining the idea of cutting down on alcohol?

Lower calories

From a health perspective, alcohol-free beverages tend to be lower in calories than their alcohol-full counterparts. A bottle of beer will typically be almost half as calorific. Many men are realizing that the constant beer drinking every night is taking its toll on their waistline. Switching to alcohol-free beer during the week could mean you cut out a few hundred extra calories. If you’re trying to lose weight or avoid putting on extra blubber, this makes a massive difference.

Safer & saves money

Whenever you go out with the boys, there’s always the issue of getting home. Paying for taxis can be super expensive, especially in this day and age. Alcohol-free drinks offer a solution to this, meaning you can enjoy some drinks while staying sober. In turn, you can safely drive home without worrying about being over the limit.

Too many men are guilty of drunk driving, even if they don’t think they’re drunk. Naturally, you want to avoid a DUI at all costs because it can have a massively negative effect on your life. Did you know it can count as a 1st-degree misdemeanor? This means you could have things like your firearm rights taken away. While it is possible to restore gun rights, this stays on your record for many years, possibly making it harder to find a new job or get a mortgage for a family home. Alcohol-free drinks are becoming more popular as men realize the risks that come with driving under the influence. At the same time, they allow you to save money on taxis and stuff when going out.

No hangovers

As you get older, you start to realize that hangovers really aren’t worth it. Sure, you can settle down with a glass of bourbon after a long day at work. One glass won’t get you drunk, so you can enjoy the delicious tastes.

But, when you have a few too many beers with the lads on a Friday, your entire weekend suffers a setback. Saturday is spent with a splitting headache and pure tiredness. When you’re a father or you’re in your 30s, you appreciate how precious weekends can be. Lots of men are now switching to alcohol-free drinks to avoid the hangovers that can ruin weekends.

Are you thinking of making a switch? By all means, you can still drink alcohol and get drunk now and then. But, a lot of men are opting for alcohol-free drinks when they just want to enjoy the taste of a beer without the downsides of alcohol. It’s better for your health, safer, and you can stop ruining your weekends with hangovers.


I am the owner of and the Verizon Wireless Reviewer for My love of gadgets came from his lack of a Nintendo Game Boy when he was a child . I vowed from that day on to get his hands on as many tech products as possible. My approach to a review is to make it informative for the technofile while still making it understandable to everyone. Ben is a new voice in the tech industry and is looking to make a mark wherever he goes. When not reviewing products, I is also a 911 Telecommunicator just outside of Pittsburgh PA. Twitter: @gizmoboaks

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