Cozy Garden Sandbox: Garden In! Coming Out in 2023

Garden In! is made by an Italian studio Dramatic Iceberg. The game is the studio’s first commercial video game title. The game will be released by Bonus Stage Publishing on PC and Nintendo Switch early 2023. The game was featured in Wholesome Games and Guerrilla Collective in June 2022.

The game starts in one room in which you are tasked to decorate to your liking. Your room is basically a perfect little sandbox in which you can move furniture around, paint the environment, and most importantly: grow plants. A lot of plants.
At first you have a few seeds available, you can plant them in soil, water, rocks, and you have a few pots to choose from. But as you advance, combine different seeds and try out different growing conditions, your seed library will grow and grow, until you are the most advanced horticulturist in the world. You also unlock new rooms and areas by playing the game further.
“We started making the game because none of our team was able to keep their plants alive. We then decided we needed to learn some gardening skills, and just like that was the idea for the game born”, says Tommaso Verde from Dramatic Iceberg.
Garden In! is something we all need in our lives nowadays – relaxing and beautiful, with no worries or stress of the outside world. “We’re extremely happy to work with the publishing of Garden In because in the midst of the busy world we all need some time to relax in our gardens. Also what makes us happy is that thanks to our partner Double Jump Capital we’re able to maximise the production quality of the game with their investment in the game.”
Brett M. Brown, Managing Partner of Double Jump Capital said: “We are extremely excited to partner with Dramatic Iceberg and Bonus Stage Publishing to bring such a fun game to market. We see enormous potential in supporting such an innovative, entertaining and enjoyable game and look forward to the success of Garden In!”
Stay tuned for the soon to be announced release date and new content revelations by wishlisting and following the game on Steam:
And check out the game’s official trailer on YouTube here:

About Dramatic Iceberg:
Founded by a group of friends making games inside a garage, Dramatic Iceberg is a small game development studio based in Turin, Italy. Driven by a long lasting passion for video games, with a touch of ambition, we work to create and share entertaining games, like the ones we used to play and love.
About Bonus Stage Publishing
Bonus Stage is Finland’s biggest, most beautiful, and courageous video game publisher with an ambition to rule the indie game publishing world by 2025. Their mission is to be kind.
About Double Jump Capital:
Double Jump Capital is a Southern California headquartered late stage royalty focused fund investing exclusively into video games and eSports globally. Double Jump is the premier partner providing independent video game developers and publishers with capital and access to innovative tools, expertise, and markets to more successfully launch games within the ~$200 billion video game industry, the largest segment of the global entertainment industry.