Items You Should Never Place in Your Office Recycling Bin

While well-intentioned, not everyone will recycle the correct materials, especially around the office space. There are many common office materials that we use and dispose of daily that don’t belong in the recycling bin. Here are some of the items you should never place in your office’s recycling bin. Watch out for these things in your waste receptacles.
Types of Plastic
When we recycle, we sort certain items, such as glass, paper, and plastic, from what we throw in the garbage pile. However, not all types of plastic are compatible with your local recycling collection service. For example, many collection services don’t accept plastic materials such as paper bags, Polystyrene, plastic wrap, and certain other food packaging materials. Skip adding these to your recycling bin, as they can stick in your local recycling center’s machines, leaving employees to fish them out by hand. Differentiating these types of plastics can help you learn how to identify if something is recyclable.
Types of Paper
Another common mistake that office workers make is assuming that all types of paper are recyclable. And while recycling most paper products is important, there are a few types to keep out of your recycling bin. Watch out for paper towels, wax-coated paper products, paper contaminated with food waste, shredded paper, and more. These types of materials can contaminate other recyclables and clog the sorting machines in recycling centers.
Electronics and Appliances
Offices and modern businesses utilize electronics and appliances every day. From computers to smaller electronic accessories like webcams, businesses use a wide range of devices. And while many specialty recycling services would be happy to take these items off your hands, your curbside recycling program won’t accept them in most cases. Instead of adding broken or used electronics to the recycling bin, consider setting them aside so that you can send them to a specialty recycling center.
Remember which items you should never place in your office recycling bin to avoid recycling contamination in the future. Responsible recycling is crucial to maintaining a sustainable business and office space.