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Interesting Facts That You Should Know About Diesel Fuel

Diesel fuel is a different mixture that comes from the same source as gasoline. Many people use diesel engines for trucks, construction equipment, and other heavy machinery. If you’re eager to try out these engines for yourself, read on. Here are some interesting facts that you should know about diesel fuel to help you get started.

Diesel Fuel Used To Be Garbage

Because diesel and gasoline come from the same source, people initial saw diesel as an unfortunate byproduct of creating gasoline and threw it away. It wasn’t until Robert Diesel invented an engine that could run on this thicker fuel that people started keeping it and using it the same as gasoline. Robert Diesel’s original design had many of the important parts of a diesel engine that we still use to this day.

There Are Two Distinct Colors of Diesel

One interesting fact that you should know about diesel fuel is that there are actually two colors: red and green. Red diesel is exempt from taxes since the government offers it for farming, construction, or agricultural equipment that doesn’t drive on tax-funded roads. Green diesel is for trucks and automobiles that operate on public roads. Before you get any funny ideas about using the tax-free red diesel in your truck, know that it’s illegal to drive on roads with the red fuel. Remember to fill your car with the green fuel and leave the red stuff for tractors.

Diesel Is Much Less Popular in the United States

Anytime you pull into a gas station in America, you may see one or two pumps dedicated to dispensing diesel fuel over traditional gasoline. That’s because it’s just not as popular in the states as in many other countries. America mostly uses diesel for construction and agricultural equipment rather than personal transportation. However, in many European countries, the ratio of gasoline (petrol) diesel engine vehicles is much more even than it is in the states.

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