Winemakers Win with COGNI™ Wine Barrel Technology from Simple Labs, Premiering at CES 2023 this week

Simple Labs, producers of the Cogni™ Wine Barrel Monitor a CES® 2023 Innovation Awards Honoree in the Food & Ag Tech category, readies to simplify the winemaking process worldwide with the international premiere of their barrel monitoring system at CES 2023 January 5 – 8, 2023. Simple Labs is exhibiting at CES 2023 within CES Tech West in the Venetian Expo Level 2 Food Expo, Booth #53514.
Cogni™ is a patented, wireless, continuous, integrated barrel aging monitoring system that in the wine industry can track temperature, humidity, phenol/guaiacol, acetic acid, SO2, pH, alcohol and fill levels, making real-time data accessible to winemakers from anywhere worldwide. By forming a network of connected devices, with any number of barrels, if levels slip out of user-set tolerance ranges, Cogni alerts via mobile and desktop notifications. Winemakers can then review the current levels and recorded data to determine next steps.
- Play FilePlay FileThe Cogni™ Wine Barrel Monitor from Simple Labs, a CES® 2023 Innovation Awards Honoree in Food & Ag Tech category, simplifies the winemaking process monitoring wine aging in barrel in real time.
View FileCogni™ is a patented, wireless, continuous barrel aging monitoring system that in the wine industry can monitor wine aging in a barrel, providing real-time data to winemakers. (Photo by Ron Essex)
View FileMike Slone, Simple Labs CEO and Cogni™ Wine Barrel Monitor Inventor. (Photo by Ron Essex)
“Of great benefit to wineries is the ability to immediately extract data from anywhere in the world, creating the ability to detect potential problems in the winemaking process before an issue occurs, as well as opportunities to better take care of wines in barrel,” said Simple Labs Founder and CEO Mike Slone, who invented Cogni, “In addition to optimizing the winemaking process, there are also labor cost savings in the cellar, and savings in terms of sending samples out to an exterior lab.”
Simple Labs™ is a technology company with the mission of evolving the production process of products produced using barrels. Beginning with the wine industry, the company provides clarity to winemakers and vineyards during the barrel aging process, through creating innovative technological solutions based on ever-changing challenges and needs. Simple Labs globally and equally supports all winemakers regardless of scale, investing in an immersive understanding of customer needs to offer a personalized experience. The creativity and innovation of the company, arises from deep roots in diversity and a collection of equally-heard voices in the room, actions and causes that are the foundation of the firm. Key tenets include emotional intelligence, social and environmental awareness, a genuine curiosity and kindness filled with empathy.
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