CES 2023Press Releases

World Premiere of The Gallery of Flops at CES 2023

For the first time ever, CES 2023 participants, exhibitors and journalists will be able to explore some of the greatest failures of the last 50 years. The Gallery of Flops will be open to everyone attending CES in Las Vegas between Jan 5-8, 2023.

The Gallery of Flops is a new exhibit by Prelaunch.com that collects massive unexpected flops from brands like Apple, Harley Davidson, BIC, Sony, Nike, Nintendo and many more! Those disastrous failures cost their brands millions of dollars. And all of them were 100% avoidable, had their creators run proper market/price validation before launching. Each exhibit is accompanied by a lesson for what the brand should have done differently, and what others can do when they find themselves in a similar situation.

CES 2023 was the ideal location to debut this gallery, as it has become synonymous with huge product launches and offers a good representation of the larger global consumer electronics ecosystem. Every year, thousands of start-ups are launched in that ecosystem and almost 90% of them fail in the long run. This means that only 1 in 10 businesses in the startup category ultimately survive.

The Gallery of Flops was a fun byproduct of analyzing the reason why some product launches are successful and why others fail. It’s just one result of building the world’s first product validation platform based on real customers’ buying intent. While developing their product validation platform, the team at Prelaunch.com spent the past 4 years helping product creators validate their concepts. They gathered significant current and historic data that provides creators with insights and predicts their future successes or failures. And one thing was clear: ideas need to be validated before resources are wasted developing them and trying to force them into a market that isn’t interested. When you consider that these brands that are “too big to fail” can launch flops, smaller brands are similarly likely to suffer from a high probability of failure.

Prelaunch.com allows creators to predict whether customers would buy their product, with over 80% accuracy! It evaluates market demand and defines the pricing strategy by analyzing conversion metrics and comparing them with a growing dataset of industry averages. And it uses this data to show products’ real potential, credibly predicting any product’s launch success and helping creators to avoid wasting time and resources on unexpected failures. 

This process forms the central concept of Prelaunch.com’s latest ad The Shower Thought. In it, we follow a creator who is struck by a “wonderful” idea in the shower, through all the stages of product development and launching, until the unlucky conclusion where no one wants to buy his product. 

Some of Prelaunch.com’s core benefits for product creators include:

  • Market Interest Validation — Whether the product is an early-stage concept or a late-stage production-ready prototype, creators can easily measure market interest. They can then run variations with different feature sets, colors, add-ons, and more, to see how interest changes
  • Price Testing & Validation — Pricing is one of the hardest steps in a product launch, with many creators leaving money on the table. Prelaunch.com has counterintuitively helped creators launch at higher prices and bring in more profits
  • Seamless Landing Page Builder — At the heart of Prelaunch.com is a glassdoor validation strategy brought to life through landing pages. Creators just choose from over 50 popular design blocks and can easily and instantly build a responsive mobile-first page
  • PrelaunchAI Copywriter — Prelaunch.com has built a proprietary GPT-3-based Generative AI copywriting tool that helps creators write their entire landing page in under 5 minutes
  • In-Depth AnalyticsTo help creators understand their customers, Prelaunch.com is built on top of a suite of powerful analytics that provides real-time insights into their customers
  • Customer Insights — Creators receive early feedback from real customers, and can engage with them to help develop better products together

Over 1,000 creators have validated their products successfully using Prelaunch.com over the past 4 years. 

“Based on my decades-long experience with thousands of startups, I’ve noticed one clear pattern that accompanies the majority of those that failed — no data-driven decisions during the prelaunch stage,” says CEO Narek Vardanyan. “Our team at Prelauch.com decided to address this issue by developing an all-in-one platform to help founders identify the real potential of their product before making investments.”

About the Company

Prelaunch Inc. is a US-based company that has already supported hundreds of creators to test their product market demand on the idea stage with more than 80% accuracy and to understand product-market fit and price with proven metrics based on customer purchase intent.


I am the owner of Cerebral-overload.com and the Verizon Wireless Reviewer for Techburgh.com. My love of gadgets came from his lack of a Nintendo Game Boy when he was a child . I vowed from that day on to get his hands on as many tech products as possible. My approach to a review is to make it informative for the technofile while still making it understandable to everyone. Ben is a new voice in the tech industry and is looking to make a mark wherever he goes. When not reviewing products, I is also a 911 Telecommunicator just outside of Pittsburgh PA. Twitter: @gizmoboaks

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