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Auto Maintenance Tasks You Should Never Skip

We’ve all been there. Instead of getting your car maintenance, you turn the music up and hope the noise goes away. The noise never disappears, and the light stays lit on the dashboard. Although car maintenance can be costly, it’s essential that you get it regularly to avoid further issues.

Below are four auto maintenance tasks you should never skip to preserve your car and avoid bigger repairs.

Don’t Skip Changing Your Oil and Filter

Your vehicle needs oil to survive. Without it, your engine would overheat and become full of impurities. Over time, the oil breaks down and loses effectiveness, so changing your oil every 5,000 miles is essential. This will also help you get better gas mileage and longer use out of your vehicle. When you don’t change the oil, it could lead to engine problems and other expensive repairs.

Stop Avoiding the Battery

Not only does your car battery power your engine, but it’s also responsible for powering all the electronic components. Batteries are typically good for about four to five years, but frequent trips, leaving the car running, and other factors can deteriorate them over time.

Having your battery checked regularly will ensure that everything is good and running. This will also prevent your engine from breaking over time or having dimmer exterior and interior lights.

Regularly Check Your Tires

Your tires are some of the most important parts of your vehicle. Not only do they help you move, but they’re some of your vehicle’s most critical safety features. If you have bald tires, you have no traction, which can lead to accidents. Regularly checking your tires is an auto maintenance task you should never skip. If you do neglect it, you can find yourself stranded!

Some things to check for include the following:

  • Uneven tread wear
  • Cracks
  • Splits in the sidewalls
  • Blisters
  • Low tire pressure

Examine Your Brake Pads

Unless you love the thrill of hydroplaning, do us all a favor and get your brake pads checked. You should have your brake pads examined at least once a year and ideally twice for good measure. The easiest way to check them is by putting your car on a lift for maintenance. You should replace your brakes every 20,000 miles. However, if your car is shaking and making noises when you press the brakes, it’s time to replace them.

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