3 Situations Where A Driver May Need A Lawyer

For most people, driving is a regular part of their daily lives. It’s embedded seamlessly into their routine as they get out of the house and drive to work. After office hours, they walk with keys in hand toward the parking lot and anticipate a hearty meal at home.
The act of driving may already be automatic for you that you no longer think about it consciously. More so, you also might not be intentional with preparing for contingencies, such as accidents or arrests.
Nonetheless, if you’re a driver, one of the things that you should be aware of is the legal implications that entail any wrongful act. Make sure that you have an attorney to whom you can reach out in case something happens.

Here are some of the situations where you may need a lawyer:
1. Getting Involved In A Car Crash
One of the scenarios where it’s imperative to get in touch with an attorney is during the aftermath of an automobile accident. Their knowledge, skills, and experience extend to other aspects beyond the law. More than providing legal advice, a lawyer can help you find medical help if you sustained injuries. They might also have connections to specialists for severe health conditions.
These are the areas where an attorney can help after a car crash:
- Disputing Liability – In any accident, the liable party should be identified. If you’re not the one in the wrong, you must ensure that you’re not blamed for the fiasco, especially if the case goes to court.
- Determining Settlement – Disputing liability connects with determining the settlement or penalty that will be imposed on you or the other party. A lawyer can help you understand the repercussions or benefits of accepting a settlement according to the situation.
- Dealing With Insurance Companies – Legal counsel is also valuable when dealing with insurance companies. You need a lawyer to guide you on what to say to your service provider to maximize the settlement that you’ll receive. Insurance companies are notorious for making the disbursement application process complicated so that car accident victims would just give up and accept the initial offer. Your attorney can intervene on your behalf and demand the amount that you deserve.
2. Being Guilty Of Driving Under The Influence
On the other hand, if you’ve been involved in a car accident due to driving under the influence (DUI), a lawyer can help you minimize the legal consequences of your actions. While you’re truly the one in the wrong, an attorney can give you guidance on how to handle the situation.
These legal professionals provide personalized service. They can assess the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and create a plan accordingly. They can also answer the questions that you may have about the situation you find yourself in.
Having a lawyer by your side is even more valuable for aggravated driving while intoxicated (DWI) cases. When you plead guilty for this infraction, you’d be living with a permanent criminal record. It can have an adverse impact on all aspects of your life.
Learn more about the repercussions of an aggravated DWI case and how an attorney can help you achieve advantageous results by going here.
3. Buying A Car
Aside from accident-related situations, the guidance of a legal professional would also come in handy when you buy a car. The process is more than just a sale. There’s a legal aspect that you have to consider as well.
It entails a transfer of ownership, whether for brand-new automobiles or second-hand vehicles. It’s particularly crucial when you purchased the latter and ended up with a lemon, which is what people in the industry call a defective car.
Getting tricked into buying a faulty vehicle can be frustrating. Fortunately, it constitutes fraud, so you can actually sue the dealer that sold you the car. This is where the help of a lawyer comes in handy. Other dishonest tactics used by dealers include rolling back the odometer of a used car and allowing you to bring the vehicle home before financing has been confirmed, but demand its return until the contract has been rewritten on less favorable terms.
Warranty and financing are two other crucial areas where a lawyer’s assistance can be beneficial. Legal professionals can help you make sense of the contract before signing anything and ensure that you’re getting the most value for your money.
It’s always valuable to have the guidance of an expert when you’re dealing with legal matters. Driving can seem like a normal part of your routine that you may not think consciously about the legal repercussions in case of accidents, arrests, or purchases. Make sure that you have contact with a lawyer in the event that you find yourself in any of the situations above.