State Trucking Associations Partner with Wreaths Across America to form Virtual Convoy to Raise Awareness and Support for the Mission

Wreaths Across America (WAA) partners with more than 300 transportation companies each year who help “move the mission.” These companies donate equipment, fuel, staffing, and time to deliver loads of sponsored veterans’ wreaths to their final resting places on the headstones of our nation’s servicemembers laid to rest at more than 3,700 participating cemeteries nationwide. Today, the national nonprofit is proud to announce a Virtual Convoy which will help expand this reach within the industry through the partnership and support of State Trucking Associations.
The Virtual Convoy kicks off this week in 37 states across the country (so far) with more being added each day! The goal: raise awareness for WAA’s year-round mission to Remember the fallen, Honor those that serve, and Teach the next generation the value of freedom while helping each participating State Association raise funds for their own needs. Through WAA’s Group Sponsorship Program, each participating State Association is registered as a $5 pay-back Group supporting Arlington National Cemetery where servicemembers representing every U.S. conflict and state are laid to rest.
In 2023, 260,000 sponsored veterans’ wreaths will be needed to ensure every eligible marker in the Cemetery receives a wreath on National Wreaths Across America Day. Through the Virtual Convoy each participating State Trucking Association will work to fill one “virtual” tractor-trailer full of sponsored veterans’ wreaths from their state for placement in December (approximately 5,000 wreaths). In return, $5 for each $17 sponsorship will be returned to the State Trucking Association to help in their efforts to fund local programs.
“The trucking industry plays such a vital part to our program,” said Karen Worcester, Executive Director, Wreaths Across America. “Thanks to their support we can deliver millions of sponsored veterans’ wreaths to every state for our volunteers to place on the headstones of our nation’s servicemembers. Through this effort, we hope to introduce the mission to new members of the industry and give them the opportunity to raise funds for their own initiatives that impact their communities locally, while helping us to honor and remember servicemembers from their states.”
As part of the organization’s commitment to local programs doing good in their communities, since 2007 WAA has given back more than $20 million to like-minded charities, VSOs, civic and youth groups through its $5 pay-back Sponsorship Group program. For State Trucking Associations and their members, it will provide the funding needed to help support their own missions and the programs making an impact in their states.
To learn more, or to support the State Associations participating in the Virtual Convoy please visit and scroll down to view all the Groups participating.
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About Wreaths Across America
Wreaths Across America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to continue and expand the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery begun in 1992. The organization’s mission – Remember, Honor, Teach – is carried out in part each year by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies in December at Arlington, as well as thousands of veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond.
For more information or to sponsor a wreath please visit