Hands-On-Review: Sleepsure Smart Baby Monitor

Hello fellow parents or soon to be parents. If you’re here its because you’re also thinking about the journey ahead and how you can best prepare yourself mentally and physically to be able to ensure your babies safety and health. I am currently a parent of one boy who shortly after this article is posted will be 18 months old. I have used both the Owlet Sock and now the Sleepsure by Halo. Today we will be discussing the Sleepsure and the multitude of benefits it has to offer to anyone with a child.
Halo is a brand that has been around for quite a long time. Most people know them for their sleep sacks and swaddles. We have personally used a ton of these and LOVE them. But now Halo has entered the arena for wearable tech. The Halo Sleepsure comes full packed in a beautiful blue box. No, it is not a Tardis but it definitely is bigger on the inside. You will open the box to find everything you need for your precious baby. The wearable sensor, the base station, 3 soft fabric bands that are differently sized for your growing child, the charging cable and adapter. Halo also offers an app to connect to the device and gives you full control of everything right from your phone. The best part, there is no subscription or additional fees!

Set Up
Whether you are a tech savvy individual or someone who struggles to program the microwave, setting this device up takes very little effort at all. The app is built to be user friendly because Halo understands you have enough stress already with a newborn, there is no need to over complicate another thing. Once you plug the device in and let it charge, download the app on your phone and create an account, follow the on screen instructions that take you step by step through it and you will be all set. In the app it also allows you to set all of your notifications and settings that will dictate what alerts you receive and don’t receive.

Unlike other sleep monitors on the market, the Halo Sleepsure straps to the babies leg. The Sleepsure also monitors four main components which include Heart Rate, Skin Temperature, Rollover and Movement. Heart rate is a pretty common feature among the smart devices. The app will show you the baby’s heart rate in real time. The app and base will not alert you on baby heart rate changes.

Skin temperature is probably one of my favorite features. Putting baby in a sleep sack, or under a blanket at night, my big thought has always been to make sure he is comfortable and not too warm or too cold. This has given complete peace of mind concerning comfortability. This has been extremely helpful with baby being sick as well. Being able to know if he has a fever in the middle of the night and staying ahead of it has been a life changing ability.

Rollover feature is one that would be very helpful in the early stages of baby’s life. Our son is a belly sleeper and rolls the moment we try to lay him down so we weren’t able to really test this feature but the theory behind it is very helpful and based on other research I have done I feel safe to say that it will be very accurate and helpful for when baby is learning to roll in their sleep.

Lastly is the movement feature which again is great when baby is sick or having a rough night. When our son is sick or under the weather he is a wriggly worm in his crib at night. This generally leads to a grumpy Gus through the rest of the day. This feature also goes hand in hand with the temperature setting. It really helps you to see if baby is comfortable or if there is something you can change to help them out.

All of these settings are tracked and logged in the app, able to be turned on and off for notifications, and easily reviewed to look at trends or growth.
Additional Mentions
The Sleepsure is also great for on the go use. The device uses wifi at home and switches to bluetooth for the On-The-Go mode which allows you to track during car rides, walks, or visiting family. This is really helpful if you lay baby down for a nap in someones home and don’t have a monitor to keep an eye on them. Along with this, the more data you collect the more you can learn about baby’s sleep patterns whether it be day or night.

The battery life is also phenomenal compared to other devices. The Sleepsure boasts a 24 hour battery life which we tested and confirmed many many times. This is great because of the On-The-Go mode and using it during the day for naps as well as sleep at night. Charging is simple as well by just clicking the device onto the base station. The lights on the device and base station will tell you if things are working or not.
Another very nice feature that Halo offers is their 30 night guarantee. If you purchased the Sleepsure directly from Halo’s website, then you have 30 nights from when you registered the device to return it no questions asked if you aren’t fully satisfied or you realize this device is just not for you. They also offer a 1 year warranty on everything included.
Lastly to discuss is the price point. The Halo Sleepsure is sold for $249.99 USD. This is a one time payment and like I said above there is no subscription or “pro version” you have to pay for. I can say that for what this device offers the price is absolutely worth it. I plan to use this for our next baby when she finally gets a chance to enter this world. Again, you must purchase this from the Halo website to be able to receive the 30 night guarantee.
This note is directly from Halo’s website. SleepSure is not a medical device and should not be used as a medical device. The monitor, app, and associated content and services (“SleepSure”) are designed to provide you with information to assist you in creating a comfortable sleep environment for your baby. SleepSure is not designed or intended to detect, diagnose, monitor, prevent, treat or cure any disease or other health condition, including but not limited to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS); it is neither regulated nor approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. SleepSure is not a substitute for medical care or adult supervision of a baby. If you are concerned about your baby’s health or safety, contact a physician. Your use of SleepSure is entirely at your own risk.
Overall, I have no complaints about the Sleepsure device. Set up is so simple and easy to go through including connecting it to wifi and testing it out on baby. Putting the device on is pretty straight forward and the lights will tell you that is it on correctly before you pack baby up for the night or a nap. The ability to turn certain alerts on and off and change them based on baby’s milestones and growth is HUGE! This is probably one of the best features on the market because it will work from day 1 to 18 months. This alone makes the cost seem minimal compared to how much use you will get and the peace of mind that comes with it. The battery lasts all day and night and gives you plenty of time to use it through the entire day. If you would like more information or to purchase one for yourself or a gift for an expecting family head over to Halo and get yours today!