Official Apex Legends Board Game Successfully Funded, Adds Exclusive Items and New Pledge Options in Huge Campaign Update

After the official Apex Legends™: The Board GameKickstarter campaign blew its initial goal out of the water, successfully achieving its funding goal in just seven hours, creators Glass Cannon Unplugged have announced a huge campaign update.
Glass Cannon Unplugged understands the importance of making sure everyone’s favorite experiences and characters are given justice on the tabletop and has made these changes after listening closely to feedback from the Apex Legends™ community.
The campaign update adds several new pledge options that provide backers with greater flexibility in how they support this one-of-a-kind project, allowing them to get more miniatures of the Legends they know and love.

The addition of a Kickstarter-exclusive Displate poster (available as a pledge add-on or standalone pledge) and Legendary Storage Box (free with an all-in pledge) also provide a fresh incentive for fans to back the campaign now, so that they don’t miss out! Click here to view an unboxing of the limited edition Displate poster, from Glass Cannon Unplugged CEO Jakub Wiśniewski.
The campaign update includes:
- An exclusive collaboration with Displate bringing a one-of-a-kind piece to the Kickstarter showing off three of the game’s iconic Legends in a stunning, original work by Tomasz “Morano” Jędruszek.
- Three brand new pledge levels, each of which has been retooled for 6-player action and includes additional Legend miniatures, with Lifeline and Pathfinder joining the fray.
- The Legendary Storage Box: a place to neatly bundle up all your carefully painted miniatures, boards, and rule books in a sleek black design. Whilst available through the pledge manager, it is also being added to the All-in pledge tier FOR FREE!
- A brand new pledge tier: the Legendary Bundle. The most dedicated supporters can sign up for this tier and receive six of the Solo All-in bundles plus a myriad of exclusive content
- New Kickstarter stretch goals, including a brand new Legend looking to stick the landing with her very own diorama once the campaign reaches 1 million Euros.
Apex Legends™: The Board Game brings the hit hero-shooter to the tabletop, from the wide variety of guns and characters to the high-octane firefights, and intense standoffs that precede either a heroic victory or crushing defeat. All of this has been translated to the tabletop, with dice rolls and cards being the keys to becoming a Legend.
The Apex Legends™: The Board Game Kickstarter campaign is currently live until Thursday, June 8th at 8AM PST / 11AM EST / 5PM CEST. If you would like to support this project, please visit the Kickstarter page. Backers will be the first to receive the physical game upon release, as well as the previously discussed features.
Stay tuned for updates by following Glass Cannon Unplugged on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the official website at