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Tips for Preparing Your Semi for the Summer

A semi-truck is one of the biggest vehicles you can put on the road, and the summertime is one of the most popular driving seasons. That makes summer dangerous for drivers if they don’t maintain their semis properly. Here’s what you need to do to ensure your semi is ready for the summer season.

Top Off Fluids

A semi needs various fluids to function without quickly breaking down. It’s the owner’s job to top off their fluids before every season to ensure their vehicle can keep going. This means replenishing your oils and fuel at the very least, which you’ll need to fill up several times before the end of summer if you drive frequently. You’ll also want to stock up on fluids for yourself too, as drinking water is important if you’re driving a semi-truck in hot weather.

Replace Brake Pads

Nothing is more dangerous than bad brakes when you’re driving down the road at 55+ miles. Worn brake pads will make it difficult to stop, which makes driving a semi very dangerous. You should at least get a professional to check your pads and put in new ones if your current ones need replacing before the summer driving season starts.

Clean Everything

When you use a semi, it’ll collect all sorts of dirt and loose things and trap them around the vehicle. You should take the time to clean off these small things because they can damage your vehicle as you drive. A simple wash and scrub will serve you well and ensure your semi is ready for all the driving in summer.

Get New Tires

The tires of any vehicle are very important, as they impact its grip and control. Semis put lots of stress on their tires, which can grind down their treads and cause quick deflation. That’s why it’s important that you check them and switch out any tires with a low tread or inflate any tires that need it.

Following these steps will help you prepare your semi for the summer driving season. This way, you can drive safely and without worry since you know your vehicle is in the best condition possible. However, you should still take the vehicle to a mechanic routinely so that they can check the whole truck for issues.

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