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5 Interesting Reasons Manufacturers Love Aluminum

If you think aluminum is just that shiny stuff you wrap your leftovers in, think again. Aluminum is an abundant and versatile metal that has a wide variety of applications. Here are five interesting reasons manufacturers love aluminum.

Strength vs. Weight

Aluminum possesses an impressive strength-to-weight ratio that makes it a great choice for manufacturers of automobiles, trains, airplanes, and even spacecraft. Using aluminum for transportation-related applications can increase fuel efficiency, so it’s a no-brainer why manufacturers use it in everything from aircraft to automobiles.

Electrical and Thermal Conductivity

Aluminum is not just strong and light; it’s also a master at conducting electricity and heat. It’s like the town gossip of metals, passing on electrical currents and heat faster than juicy rumors. This makes it a favorite in the electric power, home appliance, and electronics industries, where efficient energy transmission is vital.

Corrosion Resistance

You know those people who never seem to age? Well, aluminum is the material equivalent. It has a natural ability to resist corrosion, which helps it stay younger-looking for longer. Its secret to eternal youth lies in the thin layer of aluminum oxide that forms when it comes in contact with air, acting as a protective shield against rust. This trait makes it perfect for things that see exposure to the outdoor elements, from building materials to beverage cans.

Complete Recyclability

In a world crying out for sustainability, aluminum answers the call like a caped crusader. It’s 100-percent recyclable and retains its properties even after multiple rounds of recycling. So every time you toss an aluminum can into the recycling bin, you’re helping to save the planet, one beer at a time.

Malleability and Ductility

Malleability is a fancy term that means manufacturers can beat aluminum into thin sheets. Ductility, on the other hand, means it can stretch into a wire without breaking. These properties make aluminum a hit in a wide range of applications, from food packaging to appliances to electronics. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of materials.

But not just any Joe Schmo can form aluminum into foil, cans, or airplane panels. It takes a skilled metal fabricator to safely work with aluminum using metal fabrication machinery and form it into the desired shapes.

Manufacturers love aluminum for all these reasons. With your new respect for this versatile metal, you’ll begin to notice how many things you use every day, from your car to your soda cans, feature aluminum.

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