Know Python? Or have a DSLR Camera? The Eclipse Megamovie needs your help!

NASA’s Eclipse Megamovie project is back for the 2024 total solar eclipse—and is seeking volunteers! During the four minutes of this solar experience, the sun’s atmosphere, or corona, will become visible. It’s a rare time when we are able to take photographs of the corona from Earth on a large scale.
The Megamovie project is giving away 100 equatorial tracking mounts to volunteers with DSLR cameras who will be in the path of totality. The application for mounts will remain open as they parse through existing applications, so if you are interested, apply quickly!
The Eclipse Megamovie project is also looking for volunteers to participate after the eclipse to help analyze photographs taken during the eclipse. Volunteers should be proficient in Python code or implementation of Machine Learning (AI) in the arranging of photographs or other data. Sign up now by filling out this survey form!
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