Review: Alta Hip Seat Baby Carrier

Welcome back to the Baby Side of Cerebral Overload! Today I will be going over my favorite features and my personal opinion of the Alta Hip Seat Baby Carrier. When I first received notification on this carrier I was a little skeptical that it could be anywhere as good as other products that I have tested in terms of baby carriers. I have to say right off the get go, that my almost 30 pound 2 year old absolutely LOVES this carrier. Read on to get the full scoop on this carrier and be HIP with the rest of the parents out there.

Ergobaby is no stranger to the baby game, obviously its in the name, so this carrier was no difference even though it hold a huge benefit over other carriers. From the first appearance it looks just like any other baby carrier on the market. However, this one has 3 carry modes that have a special addition to really elevate the support. The Alta Hip Carrier has a solid base on the bottom as you can see in the photos that provides a large, soft and comfortable seat for baby to sit, or rest on. The seat is exceptional in providing the space for them and give your arms and back a break from the weight and pressure.

The hip carrier has a large and in charge strap and has an ultra quiet click feature to provide the most secure grip around your waist and the peace of mind to know baby and carrier aren’t going anywhere. The front of the seat also has a little surprise built in. A pocket on the front that is perfect to carry small items like your phone, some snacks, or anything you need to add to your day to keep going. The carrier itself has the sunshade as well that is perfect for privacy when nursing, protection from the elements and even from wind.
Infant Mode

This image was something that never even crossed my mind as I currently have a 2 year old who I lug around but in the near future we are hoping to bring a newborn home again and we will be absolutely using this. I do however have a friend with an infant who borrowed this and tested this out to give me her honest opinion. She informed me that this made nursing while taking care of a toddler incredibly easy and helped her back feel a ton of relief. The carrier helped to free up, an arm and took weight off to better carry for longer periods of time.
Baby Carrier

The second and most common carrier style is Inward and Outward facing mode. The Inward facing mode is recommended for 4 months or older and is great still for the nursing parent. The benefit to this carrier for forward facing is the sturdy base that remains present for all the carry methods. The base provides the firm support for baby bottom to sit and the always important ergonomic leg positions. I feel that the base being firm provides even better support for you and the baby. The outward facing feature is recommended for 6 months and older.
Hip Seat

This was the main carrying method we utilized with our son. The Hip Seat is recommended for 6 months of more just like the front carry. This carry is amazing for day to day activity, going shopping, leaf blowing, going to vote, trips to the zoo, all things we have used this for ourselves. The seat is very large but so lightweight and secures so well to your hip with the strap and quiet buckle. Our son sat on this and held onto us every time like it was second nature for him. He was seated comfortably, able to look around and see the world and the weight of him was spread throughout the waist instead of our arms or back.

As you can see, my son sat with room to spare, legs are perfectly ergonomically situated around the seat and safely held with just a soft arm around the back. My beautiful wife requested not to have herself put in the review and I unfortunately had to oblige but wanted to share a perfect picture of them using this happily.
After using this and countless other carriers I have to say this is by far one of my favorites. The carrier is a nice mesh material that is completely washable, breathable and soft for baby and you. The seat is large, comfortable and ergonomically built for baby’s legs and hips in mind. The buckle secures baby and carrier tightly and safely to your waist providing the relief from your arms and back. The hip design is a welcome change to the normal carrier method when you have a squirmy toddler who doesn’t want to be stuck but loves to cling to you still. This carrier has been a life saver for us in our busy lives and will eventually be used for our next little baby as well. You can head over HERE now and pick yours up for $129.