Review: Omni Dream Upcycled Denim Carrier

Anyone who has a baby understands the struggles of trying to continue every day life and be able to use both hands for things. Going to the store, the zoo, or even just a walk in the park is no longer just a walk in the park. Thankfully putting baby in a stroller or car seat attachment isn’t the only available option when going out. Today I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to review the Omni Dream Upcycled Denim Carrier. Read on to learn all that I discovered with my little one.

Baby carriers are a gift from the heavens in my opinion and this one is no different. Packed full of options that I absolutely love and appreciate for myself and my little one. Obviously the first thing you and I notice is the denim material. This is an “upcycled” material which means it has been repurposed or transformed from its original form into a new product of higher value or quality. Upcycled denim fabric helps to reduce waste, conserve resources, and promote a more environmentally conscious approach to fashion production. The Omni Dream Denim is composed of 100% Cotton Denim fabric. The main fabric is 100% cotton (70% upcycled) and the lining fabric is 100% cotton (50% upcycled).
The straps that surround your body and provide support are extremely soft and packed with cushion. The lumbar support as well was exceptionally comfortable and helpful in supporting the load of carrying our son. The straps are not only comfortable and soft they are also easily adjustable with or without wearing a baby. The straps slide smoothly when adjusting for different carry methods.

There is a UPF hood for your precious cargo to be protected from the sun. It can be tucked away easily into the carrier when not being used and is soft and breathable to allow for protection and also peace of mind. The best feature of all in my opinion is the side pockets for storage! There are pockets on the carrier that allow you to store things for a quick grab like your phone, snacks, or anything else you want to be able to access without using your pockets.
Carry Modes

The Front Carry Inward Facing Mode is designed for your more delicate baby around the newborn stage as long as they meet height and weight requirements. It is ergonomically built for the safe carrying and allowing the legs to rest comfortably. This position is also exceptional for the nursing mother on the go. The carrier is designed to allow baby to safely and effectively nurse the baby. The UPF hood is also a great feature if you would like privacy while nursing.

The Front Carry Outward Facing Mode is the next step up for baby as they grow. This is designed for generally 5-6 months and when baby has a strong head and neck support. This is excellent for that fun stage where curiosity has piqued and they want to see whats going on all around you.

The Hip Carry Mode is a neat transitional carry that allows you to somewhat carry to the side. This is nice to take a strap off and give baby a little bit of motion to look around and still face you. It gives you both a little breathing room and holds them on the side instead of directly on front. This is good for warm days when body heat multiplies.

Finally the Back Carry Mode which has been our son’s favorite right now. This is the best carry method for the piggy back rides without having to worry about holding on to legs or arms to hold them up. Our son is currently obsessed with piggy back rides and this has been a life saver. Harrison is currently 21 Months old and fit very comfortably in the carrier. His legs adjusted well to the M ergonomic shape, he enjoyed being secured to us and still being able to look around and ride on our back. The carrier took all the weight off of our arms and allowed for easy carry all throughout the day.
The most common, and the color we received, was the Blue Denim look which I love. The carrier does however come in a whopping 10 different color schemes. These different colors do not offer the upcycled denim material however which is what makes this specific carrier special.
The carrier is also completely machine washable. It is recommended to wash on cold inside of a pillow case with all straps clicked together. I can confirm this is the best way to do it to protect the straps and buckles from damage in the wash cycle. It is also great because kids are kind of gross sometimes and leak, drool, or spill food on you and the carrier.
This carrier is designed to allow you to carry baby from 0-4 years and 4-45 pounds. The carrier is also backed by the Ergobaby Lifetime Guarantee which I have never had to use thankfully. I feel that my years of product use and never having an issue says enough but the guarantee is a great feature that is offered and available if someone does receive a faulty product by chance.
This carrier is absolutely going to be my go to this fall an winter while we go on our family outings and don’t want to haul a stroller around. The Denim appearance is super stylish and eye catching, as well as, a conversation starter when people see it. The multiple carry methods are excellent options and great for when baby needs held but you need hands. Were going to continue to use this for the next baby as well which will hopefully be coming within the next year(fingers crossed!). Not only does it look good but it feels good as well. The comfort level of this carrier compared to our previous is undeniable. The padding keeps the straps from digging into your shoulders, the lumbar support keeps the weight evenly distributed and helps keep everyone comfortable and happy. The ease of cleaning is amazing because our boy be snackin and he is a little messy at times. Overall I would highly recommend this carrier if you are in the market or looking for a gift for a friend or loved one. Head over to Ergobaby and take a look at this and all their products they have available.