Big 55″ Veeo Holodeck T55 transparent-screen presentation station for e-meetings adds connected computer content to constant presenter eye contact, much like Hollywood sci-fi special effects for about $8500.

Veeo, Inc. (Las Vegas NV) will ship its new 55″ Holodeck T55 presenter’s station product this summer to people or places who seek the bigger picture when recording training or briefing materials or addressing online virtual meeting participants through such popular facilities as Zoom, Meet, Teams, Webex or Skype. While the big glass system does a superb job of securing presenter eye contact, it also affords a 55″ transparent-OLED screen that can layer in additional content from a connected computer.

Its own internal computer performs hand tracking and gesture recognition, so hand motions unseen by others can make on-screen sketches or annotations appear almost magically.

“Conference rooms were our first motivation for building the Holodeck T55,” Veeo CEO Ji Shen shares, “but today, that seems like one of many places where it’s an extraordinary fit. The intimacy of direct, human eye-to- eye contact is an immeasurable help in adding nonverbal communication to the several layers of content that our Holodeck products can share, but here, the bigger screen has a bigger purpose. It means the presenter can occupy a smaller section of the screen, allowing more of the screen space to share other layers of information. When that other information is especially important – certainly in telehealth or in meetings among design engineers and so on – the extra screen space helps keep participants involved while the sustained eye contact helps keep them interested. I believe this will make every moment of connection more fruitful and productive.”

Ergonomically, a 55″ diagonal-measure screen is a good size to let almost any presenter reach any point on the screen. Since the average human body has an arm span roughly equal to a person’s height, anyone taller than 4’7″ should be able to reach corner-to corner on a 55″ display, and anyone at least 4′ tall should be able to reach edge to edge. This screen size also leaves more space around the presenter for additional content. This also lets the presenter see a script, agenda or talking points that are visible only on the local screen and not shared with online participants.

Three Veeo products are planned to debut in the summer of 2024.

Veeo ( is previewing prototypes of these products at the January 9, 2024, Showstoppers event during CES. LG transparent OLED technology lets Veeo Holodeck products seamlessly homogenize the live presenter video with computer graphics and marker-on-glass whiteboard annotations.

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