Leading Post-Production Professionals Make Waves Clarity Vx Pro Plugin the New Standard in Real-Time Noise Reduction for Voice & Dialogue

Leading post-production professionals have been increasingly turning to Waves Clarity Vx Pro plugin for real-time noise reduction for voice & dialogue, making it the new standard in the field. Clarity Vx Pro is an advanced real-time noise reduction for voice and dialogue, using Waves’ Neural Networks® technology – a pioneering AI approach to noise reduction and voice enhancement.

Thanks to its Neural Networks engine, Waves Clarity Vx Pro cleans noise with a lightning-fast real-time workflow that requires no rendering or bouncing of tracks, and with no compromise to the integrity of the original voice performance, which remains natural and consistent. Clarity Vx Pro is also intuitive: no longer do users need to wade through a dozen-plus modules to clean dialogue at the highest quality. The Neural Networks do the heavy lifting – via the main “Ambience/Voice” control – leaving time to address the finer details via the powerful advanced features. Clarity Vx Pro’s AI engine recognizes what is voice and what is noise; it doesn’t require any learning time. Fed with hundreds of thousands of audio files of vocal recordings, the engine has been trained – through the combination of machine learning and meticulous human evaluation – to recognize the difference between voice and ambience. Subsequently, the plugin works instantly, in real time, as the user is watching their source or listening to the original audio.
Several high-profile users attest to the plugin’s unique problem-solving capabilities, pristine quality and fast user-friendly workflow:
Ron Bartlett, Re-Recording Mixer (Dune, King Richard, Blade Runner 2049, Life of Pi), remarks, “I was pretty shocked when I first tried Clarity – I’ve never heard something this good. You can go very far with the noise reduction, and it still sounds natural without affecting the dialogue. It’s also real-time, so I don’t have to render each track. It’s a huge time-saver that allows me to spend more time being creative in my dialogue mix, rather than being a technician who gets rid of noise.”
Julian Slater, Re-recording Mixer, Sound Designer (Baby Driver, Last Night in Soho, Jumanji: Welcome to The Jungle, The Trial of the Chicago 7), notes, “When I first tried Clarity Vx Pro, I was simply flabbergasted and stunned. It’s groundbreaking. It can go further than a lot of other plugins when it comes to noise reduction, but still keep the original voice without it sounding watery and over-processed. It’s saving me so much time – it’s literally just taking the main dial and peeling the noise back. Very impressive.”
Jason W. Jennings, Supervising Sound Designer, Reach Audio (The Bad Guys, Godzilla vs. Kong, The Underground Railroad, Road to Perdition), summarizes, “Simply put, Clarity Vx Pro is going to revolutionize the industry. You’ll never hear noisy dialog again.”
Scott Martin Gershin, Sound Supervisor, Sound Designer, Re-recording Mixer (American Beauty, Nightcrawler, Maya & the Three, Pacific Rim), adds, “What I love about Clarity is that you turn it on, spin the dial and the noise goes away – you’re DONE. I can get what I need within 60 seconds without any artifacts.”
Michael Abbott, NBC Audio Engineer & Producer (The Voice, Shark Tank), notes, “Clarity Vx Pro is simply a game-changer in noise reduction for dialogue. It has capabilities that I haven’t seen in any other product. It allows me to hone into specific tonal characteristics of a person’s voice, in real time, while hearing exactly what’s being removed.”
Tormod Ringnes, Supervising Sound Editor, Re-recording Mixer, Sound Designer (Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, FLEE, Kon-Tiki, Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge), remarks, “Clarity VX Pro is a really impressive noise-reduction tool that excels with dialogue. It can work as easy or as hard as you like on your voice recordings, all controlled by a very user-friendly interface. Clarity can also be a big help after ADR recordings as well as before. Dialogue can be removed from the original recordings, and the left-over ambience can sit behind the newly recorded lines. As long as the ambience is usable, this feature is a great help fitting ADR recordings naturally into a scene.”
Colin Caddies, Re-recording engineer, Dialogue Editor (History of the Sitcom, Unexpected Killers, Paranormal Survivor, Mutant Weather), adds, “Clarity Vx Pro is a true game-changer in dialogue restoration that everyone needs to check out. I’ve spent 30+ years working in this area and have used pretty much every tool on the market – this is the one I’ve been looking for for years. Not only does it sound beautiful and natural, but it has enhanced my workflow dramatically. This is now my first choice for dialogue restoration.”
David Konsky, Head of Production, Radio Broadcast & Podcast Engineer (The Hit Network Australia), states, “When I first got my hands on Clarity Vx Pro, I was like a kid in a candy shop. The sound quality is second to none, and it takes the guesswork out of production tasks that previously took me hours to finesse. Having the ability to present results to a client or a creative director in real-time makes my workflow seamless.”
Nancy Nugent, Title Supervising Sound Editor (The Flash, Barb & Star Go to Vista Del Mar, The Tomorrow War, The Tender Bar), remarks, “Clarity Vx Pro has quickly become an essential part of my toolkit when working with production dialog recordings. It can remove unwanted sounds in ways no other plugin can.”
Ryan T.R. Carter, Dialogue Editor, Sound Designer (Great Barrier Reef with David Attenborough, The Trip/I Onde Dager), remarks, “When I first tested Clarity Vx Pro, I honestly didn’t believe I would need another noise reduction tool – but the uniqueness and scope of its de-noising has quickly made it a must-have in my dialogue toolkit. The capability of its intelligent noise reduction gives me peace of mind that I can handle almost any unwanted noise in my dialogue recordings. Most importantly, I think it has the potential to save a lot of noisy lines from ADR lists! I love starting with Clarity on my lavalier mics to get the recordings as clean and clear as possible, and then play back with the boom mics for a great well-rounded sound.”
Matt Cimino, Sound Designer and Mixer (Camp Lucky Dallas, Miss Juneteenth, Magnolia Network TV Shows, Ram – Super Bowl, GameStop, Bridgestone, Dodge, Patron, Jeep-Super Bowl) adds, “I used Clarity Vx Pro on a Magnolia Network show called Van Go, as well as a new show that’s about to launch. This plugin changed my workflow in a badass fast smart way and the quality is amazing!!! I’m not sending every file in and out of the sys and watching and waiting for render. Not that this didn’t work, but it was super time consuming, and I didn’t always get perfect cleanup. Not to mention the extra tracks created along the way, in case you had to go backwards to do a match from scene to scene… Time to break old dialogue cleanup and mixing habits!”
With the Waves Clarity Vx Pro’s superior workflow, users can now deliver class-leading results in dialogue mixing faster than ever and have what was once considered a luxury: time to tweak and perfect the final creative soundscape.
To learn more, click here.
Clarity Vx Pro video:
Top Dialogue Mixers Test Clarity Vx Pro: Real-Time Noise Reduction: https://youtu.be/7R80dMeXtUM
About Waves Audio Ltd.:
Waves is the world’s leading developer of audio DSP solutions for music production, recording, mixing, mastering, sound design, post-production, live sound, broadcast, commercial and consumer electronics audio markets. Since its start in the early ’90s, Waves has developed a comprehensive line of over 250 audio plugins and numerous hardware devices. For its accomplishments, Waves received a Technical GRAMMY® Award in 2011, and its early flagship plugin, the Q10 equalizer, was selected as an inductee into the TECnology Hall of Fame.
Increasingly leveraging pioneering techniques in artificial intelligence, neural networks and machine learning, as well as the company’s three decades of accumulated expertise in psychoacoustics, Waves technologies are being used to improve sound quality in a growing number of market sectors. Around the world, Waves’ award-winning plugins are utilized in the creation of hit records, major motion pictures, and top-selling video games. Additionally, Waves now offers hardware-plus-software solutions (including the revolutionary eMotion LV1 mixer) for professional audio markets. The company’s WavesLive division is a leader in the live sound sector, spearheading the development of solutions for all live platforms. Products from Waves Commercial Audio enable A/V system integrators and installers to deliver superior sound quality for corporate, commercial, government, educational, entertainment, sports and house-of-worship applications. Under its Maxx brand, Waves offers semiconductor and licensable algorithms for consumer electronics applications, used in laptops, smartphones, smart speakers, gaming headsets, TVs and more from industry leaders such as Dell, Google, Fitbit, Acer, Asus, Hisense and others.