ROSES-24 is live and OTPS has funding opportunities in sustainability!

NASA’s Office of Technology, Policy & Strategy is soliciting research and analysis related to the social, economic and policy aspects of space sustainability. This topic area is further refined into two separate elements: orbital space sustainability and lunar surface sustainability. OTPS will provide up to $300K (orbital) and $200K (lunar surface) for between 1-3 proposals in each element. Key questions are featured below. 

Orbital Space Sustainability: Economic, Social and Policy Research and Analyses

Proposals should be responsive to one of the following questions:

Lunar Surface Sustainability: Economic, Social and Policy Research and Analyses

The sustainable development of the lunar surface acknowledges that current operations may impact our ability to conduct future operations (indeed current operations may also impact other current operations. Whether we seek to protect critical areas for scientific investigation (e.g., Permanently Shadowed Regions), preserve lunar heritage areas (e.g., Apollo sites) or incorporate other technical, economic, or cultural considerations may all factor into our mission planning, policy and potential regulatory approaches. Analyses may help disentangle and characterize the goals of sustainability, develop frameworks for evaluating the sustainability of operations, or compare and contrast the different definitions of sustainability. Proposals should consider both human and robotic missions.

All proposals must be submitted to one of the ROSES calls (F.21 or F.17) by May 17, 2024. Proposers can submit different proposals to each element. However, duplicate proposals submitted to both elements will only be considered for a single element (NASA will make most appropriate determination).

To submit proposals, visit:

Orbital Sustainability!{63F3CFBC-9BC2-7518-9DD5-D1B4887109E5}&path=open

Lunar Surface Sustainability!{48D6B21B-0171-D79D-E111-BCDFCC02E0F0}&path=open

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