Collect Them All: NASA Center to Debut Postcards at Eclipse Event

At Total Eclipse Fest 2024, a celestial celebration from April 6-8 at Great Lakes Science Center in downtown Cleveland, NASA’s Glenn Research Center will debut a set of six special edition postcards featuring retro artwork and fun facts about the center’s world-class facilities, capabilities, and work to explore and innovate for the benefit of all.
NASA will distribute the collectible postcards free of charge to visitors at NASA Village, an immersive experience at the festival featuring hands-on activities and exhibits about the agency’s major missions and cutting-edge projects. NASA scientists, engineers, and even astronauts will also be at the event to meet the public and talk about their ground-breaking work.
Did you know the iconic NASA “meatball” insignia was designed by an artist from NASA Glenn? Along with colorful illustrations, the postcards include information about the center’s legacies, one-of-a-kind Zero Gravity Research Facility and spacecraft testing complex, work to improve air travel, critical role in returning humans to the Moon through the agency’s Artemis missions, and more.
The postcards are genuine; in addition to collecting or displaying the cards, people can write messages on their backs and mail them to friends and loved ones – no envelopes required.
While they will make their debut at Total Eclipse Fest 2024, the Glenn special edition postcards will be available to collect at NASA events in the future.