US House of Representatives Columbia Accident Documents

House Representative Statements
The following are some of the statements made by Representatives regarding the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia.
February 1, 2003: Representative Sherwood Boehlert
Date Released: Saturday, February 01, 2003
House Science Committee
Boehlert Statement on Space Shuttle Columbia Tragedy
WASHINGTON, D.C. —House Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) today released the following statement on the Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy:
“We are in a period of national mourning. Our prayers are dedicated to the heroic crew of the Columbia and their families. We are reminded again that our nation’s astronauts volunteer to put themselves in situations of inherent risk and that we take their efforts too much for granted.
“At the same time, in the wake of this horrible event, NASA and the Congress must work together immediately to initiate the most complete and thorough investigation possible in search of all the facts.”
February 1, 2003: Representative Dana Rohrabacher
Date Released: Saturday, February 01, 2003
Rep. Rohrabacher
Rohrabacher Reacts to Loss of Space Shuttle Columbia
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) mourns the loss of Columbia’s crew. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the Columbia Space Shuttle crew. This is a horrific loss for the nation as well as the world, but we should not forget the ultimate sacrifice sometime space exploration requires of men and women who are dedicated to pushing the boundaries. We must not lose sight of the fact that our continued drive to the stars serves as a tribute to those who make that sacrifice in the name of humanity.
Earlier today, NASA officials reported that the families of Columbia’s crew’s have a simple request of our space program: find out what happened, fix it, and move on. No one could say it any better. Now is the time for the Administration and Congress to support the efforts of Sean O’Keefe and the good people of NASA to investigate the events that led up to today’s tragedy.
Once the problem is identified, we need to get moving on this great adventure as quickly as possible. We must continue to find new ways to improving our space program by discovering new innovative technologies. We must do this for our nation, our children, and for the families of Columbia’s crew.
February 2, 2003: Representative Dave Weldon
Date Released: Sunday, February 02, 2003
Rep. Dave Weldon
Rep. Weldon Statement on the Space Shuttle Columbia Accident
Kennedy Space Center, FL —U.S. Congressman Dave Weldon (FL-15) released the following statement in the wake of the Space Shuttle Columbia accident.
I mourn the loss of 7 brave men and women today. These dedicated pioneers — Commander -Rick Husband, Pilot-William McCool, Payload Commander – Michael Anderson, Specialist – Kalpana Chawla, Specialist – David Brown, Specialist – Laurel Clark and Specialist – Ilan Ramon — gave their lives in the name of science and exploration. This is a tragic day for America, for Israel, and for the world and we will forever be in their debt.
While we must learn the cause of this tragedy, and I know NASA will be working diligently to do so, we must not let this deter our exploration efforts. We should never retreat from our progress in space exploration.
We will reevaluate, however, how we conduct our human space flight operations, we will reexamine our processes, and we will learn how to make space flight safer. Then we will return to space. I believe the crew of Columbia would expect nothing less.
“I would ask all Americans, and, indeed, everyone around the world, to keep the families, friends, and colleagues of these heroic astronauts in your thoughts and prayers. Their contribution to opening the frontier will not be forgotten,” said Rep. Weldon.
House Committee on Science Hearings
The following are some of the hearing charters, hearing transcripts, and opening statements for some of the various House Committee on Science hearings regarding Columbia.
February 12, 2003
House Committee on Science Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics and Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation—Joint Hearing on Space Shuttle Columbia
This information was originally located on the House Committee on Science Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, 108th Congress – 1st Session Web site and on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation’s website.
- Hearing Charter
- Hearing Transcript
- Senator McCain’s Opening Statement
- Representative Boehlert’s Opening Statement
- Representative Rohrabacher’s Opening Statement
- NASA Administrator O’Keefe’s Opening Statement
February 27, 2003
Full Committee Hearing on NASA’s FY 2004 Budget Request
This information was originally located on the House Committee on Science Full Committee Hearing 108th Congress – 1st Session website.
- Hearing Charter
- Representative Boehlert’s Opening Statement
- Representative Hall’s Opening Statement
- NASA Administrator O’Keefe’s Opening Statement
September 4, 2003
Full Committee Hearing on The Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report
This information was originally located on the House Committee on Science Full Committee Hearing 108th Congress – 1st Session website.
- Hearing Charter
- Excerpts from the CAIB Report
- Executive Summary
- Representative Boehlert’s Opening Statement
- NASA Administrator O’Keefe’s Opening Statement
September 10, 2023
Full Committee Hearing on NASA’s Response to the Columbia Report
This information was originally located on the House Committee on Science Full Committee Hearing 108th Congress – 1st Session website.
- Hearing Charter
- Representative Boehlert’s Opening Statement
- NASA Administrator O’Keefe’s Opening Statement
October 29, 2003
Full Committee Hearing on NASA’s Organizational and Management Challenges in the Wake of the Columbia Disaster
This information was originally located on the House Committee on Science Full Committee Hearing 108th Congress – 1st Session website.
- Hearing Charter
- Representative Boehlert’s Opening Statement
- Opening Statement of Admiral Bowman, Director of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion (Naval Reactors) Program
- Opening Statement of Admiral Sullivan, Deputy Commander for Ship Design Integration and Engineering for the Naval Sea Systems Command
- Opening Statement of Mr. Johnson, Vice President for Space Launch Operations for the Aerospace Corporation
- Opening Statement of Ms. Grubbe, Corporate Director for Safety and Health at Dupont