Solar Eclipse Resources

From the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Get ready for the Moon to pass in front of the Sun, casting its shadow across all of North America. A spectacular total eclipse will sweep across North America on April 8, 2024!
The Night Sky Network and Astronomical Society of the Pacific are creating and curating information for amateur astronomers and other informal educators. See some of our Night Sky Network and community eclipse resources here:
- Most of the US will be graced with a partial eclipse. This is a great reason to get your community together. Plan your event with this simple Partial Eclipse Party Planner.
- Preparing for an Eclipse Public Presentation from our partners at NISE about viewing the eclipses, including what to expect if you are not on the central paths – edit to make it your own!
- The 2024 NASA Eclipse Resources include a Safe Solar Viewing Guide, Posters, and more!
- Andrew Fraknoi and a group of astronomy educators have created a collection of eclipse resources in preparation for the upcoming solar eclipses, including 32 educational activities.
- Find lists of safe solar viewers and filters from our partners at the American Astronomical Society.
- Enjoy this activity Eclipses Around the World to respectfully share ways of knowing eclipses from many cultures
- This video invites everyone to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Hear about the eclipse in Spanish, Urdu, Mandarin, Arabic, and more at
Clouded out? That’s okay – tune in to NASA’s official broadcast for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse.
See the activities and resources below for more great eclipse ideas!
- Yardstick Eclipse Activity to model eclipses
- Handouts for the eclipse – eye safety and observing from AAS
- View a Solar Eclipse – DIY Pinhole Projector – Exploratorium
- Resources for Teachers, Administrators, and Families
- NASA’s official Eclipse site – science, safety, and events
- Safety Tips for Solar Eclipse Viewing from the AAS
- Projection Techniques for Safely Observing the Sun – AAS
- More Safety and Viewing Tips from EarthSky
- Collection of Educational Eclipse Resources
- Celebrate our Marvelous Moon