AT&T Introduces: Next Up AnytimeSM, Giving Customers More Choice and Flexibility to Upgrade their Smartphone Earlier & More Often

There’s nothing quite like that new phone-feeling: the first power on, peeling off the protective film, picking out the newest case and taking that first photo.
And we want to bring that experience to our customers more often with AT&T Next Up AnytimeSM.
Why? We heard our customers loud and clear: they want the choice and flexibility to get the newest phones when they want. If there’s a cool feature – like AI or the device folds, or just a sleeker design on the latest smartphone, we want to make the experience easy for our customers to upgrade earlier and more often.
And that’s exactly why AT&T redesigned its early upgrade program, allowing tech lovers the freedom to upgrade their phone anytime.
Customers will be able to:
Upgrade to the latest phone with our smartphone deals once 33% or more of their phone is paid off.
Upgrade as soon as one installment payment and the first Next Up Anytime payment is made.
Upgrade any time – up to three times per year.
We’ve leveled up – making AT&T Next Up Anytime a competitive upgrade option with frequent and flexible upgrades offered on all our wireless plans.
Starting July 16, all customers need to do is sign up for the AT&T Installment Plan and include Next Up Anytime for an additional $10 per month when they purchase a smartphone. Once it‘s on their plan and stays active, they’ll be set to get the latest smartphones every year.
To learn more about AT&T Next Up Anytime starting July 16, please visit