Black Owned Tech Startup Could Be Next Big Thing With New TV App

Written by Ben


Juneteenth is coming up next week and one black owned startup has built an app to help solve what we watch next. It’s a scene we’re all familiar with, sitting down, scrolling through streaming platforms, looking for a show or movie only to give up and watch episodes of The OfficeWith less than 5% of app developers being African American, this entrepreneur is in an exceptional class and is revolutionizing where we go to find binge worthy TV.

Gatsby Frimpong is the co-founder and CEO of Gatsby TV, the tech company that created this ingenious new app offering a fast and fun way to discover television shows and movies. The platform brings all your streaming services into one place where they can be easily searched with detailed info including ratings from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. The Gatsby TV app can also quickly tell you where to rent, stream, or buy your favorite titles.. According to their surveys, most people can spend up to 30 minutes or more trying to find something to watch. 

The Gatsby TV app is seamlessly bridging the gap between our screens and social lives. Launched just last year and with over 100,0000 users, the application lets you see what individuals you follow have watched recently and allows you to send recommendations of shows or movies to friends. The company is taking those offline conversations we always have with each other about what we’re watching and bringing them together for you on any device.

Gatsby’s extensive experience before creating this startup and app includes engineering jobs at Apple, Microsoft, and Google. He can provide brilliant insight on the state of streaming networks and:

  • His personal journey as an entrepreneur and being a black business in tech
  • Taking a look at the app and ways it can change where we find what to watch
  • How it saves time, providing all the info on where you can rent, stream, or buy
  • Ending the frustration of scrolling through shows to find something you like
  • The issues with user data from Netflix, etc. for suggesting your next series
  • Relying on recommendations from real people on the app, instead of algorithms

Featured on FOX, ABC, Tech Inside Out and iHeartRadio, to learn more visit:

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