Press Releases
Current and Upcoming Modiphius Product Releases for February & March 2023

It’s time for the monthly Modiphius Entertainment update, a summary of what the tabletop designer and publisher released in February, and a look at their planned releases for March. Please let us know if you have any questions or want to review the following.
For more information, visit the specific product pages for Fallout the Role Playing Game, The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms, Dune: Adventures in the Imperium, and Achtung! Cthulhu.
February Releases/Pre-orders
Available for Purchase:
- Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 – Operation Black Cap (PDF) – In this mission PDF for Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20, a plane crash in the mountains of Yugoslavia may hold clues to Black Sun’s occult operations, but a local cult of Shub-Niggurath may complicate investigations of the crash site.
- The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms – Chapter 3 Card Pack – Dawnguard – Dawnguard is the third chapter expansion for The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms narrative adventure wargame. It includes cards for all the miniatures sets in chapter 3, including Dawnguard, Vampires, Bandits, Spriggans, and Adventurers.
- The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms – Dawnguard Vampire Hunters – The fight against the darkness and the things that haunt it is never-ending. The Dawnguard Scouts provide ranged firepower with their deadly crossbows as well as devastating attacks from their Dawnguard axes. Standing as the bulwark are the heavily armored Dawnguard Vampire Hunters; their Dawnguard hammers mercilessly crushing any Vampire that crosses their path.
- The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms – Vampire Fledglings – The forces of Clan Volkihar grow. Three aspiring children of Sithis, the Vampire Fledglings do their master’s bidding, hoping to gain status and power within the Clan. Fearsome mockeries of normal dogs, the terrifying Death Hounds use their decaying muscles to run down their master’s enemies, ending them with chilling bites.
- Five Parsecs From Home – Expansion 2 – Freelancer’s Handbook (PDF) – This is the second expansion for the RPG-Lite adventure wargame Five Parsecs From Home 3rd edition, and gives you 66 pages packed full of new options focusing on adding new characters to your crew, and on new types of adventures in Fringe space.
- Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Print at Home – Basing Greebles – A digital bundle (also available separately) of 60 small printable decorative flourishes for your builds, including Downtown Debris; Logs, Stumps, & Roots; Mushrooms & Fungi; Plants & Crops; Skulls & Bones; and Slabs & Stones.
- Liminal Casebook (PDF) -This collection of cases for the Liminal RPG includes 14 adventures at the edge of the Hidden World, including brand new art throughout and five previously unpublished adventures!
- Star Trek Adventures – MISSION 022 – Eight Layers Deep (PDF) – In the latest mission PDF for Star Trek Adventures, a routine resupply and report mission leads to first contact with a new species and difficult decisions for the crew.
- Star Trek Adventures – Print at Home Miniatures – TNG Bridge Crew Set – This digital bundle includes the files you need to 3D print the Next Generation’s Enterprise bridge crew: Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander William Riker, Lieutenant Commander Data, Commander Deanna Troi, Commander Beverly Crusher, Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge, Lieutenant Worf, and Lieutenant Natasha Yar. Each of which is also available separately.
Upcoming March 2023 Products
- Achtung! Cthulhu – Priority Mission 1 – Resurrection Men (PDF) – The first in a new line of shorter, one-shot scenarios and adventure seeds to inspire Achtung! Cthulhu GMs!
- Dune: The Great Game: Houses of the Landsraad (PDF/PRINT) – The Great Game: Houses of the Landsraad is a complete 128-page supplement for Dune – Adventures in the Imperium that expands your campaign away from Arrakis into the vast and deadly Imperium. It offers the opportunity for your House to vie for power among its peers. Play politics with your rivals, bring power and wealth to your House, and challenge your position among the most deadly powerbrokers of the Landsraad.
- Dune: Kernels of Doubt (PDF) – This PDF adventure for Dune – Adventures in the Imperium features the Landsraad council and is a great tie-in to the print and PDF release of The Great Game: Houses of the Landsraad.
- The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms – Print at Home – Nordic Arches – The striking freestanding arches seen at the entrances to many of Skyrim’s tombs will soon be available as an STL product to print at home.
- The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms – Print at Home – Puzzle Door – Another digital STL product, this time showcasing the sturdy, vault-like doors that secure the deepest parts of Skyrim’s tombs.
- Star Trek Adventures – Print at Home Miniatures – TNG Away Team
- TNG Away Team Set
- TNG Away Team Vulcan Male
- TNG Away Team Andorian Male
- TNG Away Team Vulcan Female
- TNG Away Team Tellarite Male
- TNG Away Team Tellarite Female
- TNG Away Team Human Male
- TNG Away Team Human Female
- TNG Away Team Denobulan Female
- TNG Away Team Denobulan Male
- TNG Away Team Andorian Female
Keep up to date with everything Modiphius Entertainment by following them on Discord, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the official website: