How To Remove and Repair a Nail Puncture in Your Tire

Flat tires aren’t the end of the world, but they are incredibly frustrating to deal with as they’re often a major inconvenience. However, nail punctures can be a totally different monster, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. To help, this article will review how to remove and repair a nail puncture in your tire. However, it is important to note that if the nail has punctured the sidewall of the tire, you should not try and fix it yourself. Instead, call roadside assistance as any extra driving or meddling can completely destroy your tire.
How To Remove the Nail
Some people fear that removing the nail will do more harm than good, but if you’re nowhere near a repair shop, you’ll have to settle on fixing the puncture on your own. This is why, on long road trips, you need to carry a plug patch with you. To remove the nail, you can pull it out easily with a pair of pliers. If it’s a long nail, or the nail is stuck, pull with the pliers, and use a screwdriver or any other long pointy tool to help dig it out. Tires are very durable, and you’ll be hard pressed to do extra damage by digging out the nail.
How To Patch the Hole
If you have a patch repair kit in your car, then all you need to do is follow the instructions on the kit. However, if you’re in a pinch, and you don’t have a repair kit, you have a few choices. If you have a screwdriver and a screw, put in a screw of a similar size and torque the screw into the tire. The screw will open the hole so you can clear out any additional material. Once the screw is tightened in place, pour gorilla glue or super glue over the screw and allow it to set for 10 minutes. If you have an old extra tire, you can cut a strip and use the same method to use it as a makeshift plug.
Take It to a Professional
Ultimately, no matter how you fix the tire, it is a temporary solution. You need to find a professional near you. While you can drive short distances with a nail in your tire, it’s generally not recommended and dangerous to you as well as everyone else on the road. If you can get it to a professional in the next few miles, then leave the nail in and go immediately there. If you can’t, it is ideal to remove the nail as soon as possible and take your car in as soon as you can.
Knowing how to remove and repair a nail puncture in your tire before something happens will ensure that you’re prepared for any situation—even one as frustrating as a nail in your tire.