Review: Veer City Cruiser XL

City living can have its benefits vs country and rural life. More options for fast food, generally more events downtown, and the ability to take a stroll through the city streets with your family. This can be a challenge as well if you’re not properly equipped for the road. Veer, one of the best companies in the market for all things outdoors, has released an update to their already popular Cruiser XL. Today we are discussing the Cruiser City XL which has some noticeable differences compared to its rugged sibling.
The Cruiser XL that we previously reviewed is an amazing experience for the off road trips, hikes, bumpy trips and the sorts. Veer did phenomenal with this one but they realized that the City is also a place to be explored. The Cruiser City XL was the answer to the rest of the worlds question of “what about us!”. The Cruiser City XL steers much more like a stroller vs a wagon. The large non-turning wheels are under the handle which is opposite to the Cruiser XL. The directional wheels are on the other end which allows you to steer around tighter turns when pushing the wagon.

The handlebar is perfect to push the Cruiser City XL like a stroller or drop it into wagon mode for the semi uneven terrain and pull it around like a boss. This is perfect for the tighter environments like the zoo, Imagination Station or walking along the river front playing your Pokemon Go games and maneuvering goose poop.
The snack tray for the center is perfect to keep kids entertained and able to hold 2 cups, an iPad and multiple snacks to keep them entertained and comfortable. I mention snacks often because my word we spend so much on them for these little people to eat.

The Cruiser City XL, just like its sibling, is hose washable, super easy to clean and capable of carrying up to 4 kids. Sand, dirty, snacks and other things we wont mention are so easy to spray out and shake out to make sure that it is clean and ready for your next adventure with minimum effort.

Traveling is much easier with this than you would expect as well. The Cruiser City XL folds flat into itself and is lightweight enough for my smaller framed wife to pick up and put in the car by herself. This makes life so much easier when going on far trips and needing room for baggage and snacks. We recently made a 14 hour trip with a toddler and a newborn and the Cruiser City XL was the perfect companion to explore the big city we traveled to. This helped us carry the bags, the kids, the snacks, and everything else we needed without having to continuously swap or move things around.
The options you can add to this are basically endless. There are now different colors you can add to your Cruiser to make it all your own. The color options are beautiful and vibrant and really add to the flare. Adding a car seat is very simple as well with a small attachment that allows you to add the Switchback seat or another car seat to the Cruiser. This is very helpful with the fresh bundles of joy. If you want to store your Veer coolers on the wagon or your Basecamp you can do that as well, hint hint reviews coming soon! You can make this thing your overworked mule with out much effort.
No matter which option you choose, you can’t go wrong. The Cruiser City XL is very similar to the Cruiser XL but with those key differences. The ability to steer this like a stroller has made it so beneficial for the every day usage to replace a stroller and any other additional things you may need. It gives your kids the space they need plus a break for their little legs and the ability to run off and play and come back when they want.
Go over to Veer HERE and take the quiz to see which one is right for you and also go check out all the other products they have available. Stay tuned for multiple other reviews coming soon for Veer products!