6 Essential Maintenance Tasks to Keep Your Vehicle in Shape

Written by Ben

September 4, 2018

If you own or work on automobiles, you’ll want to make sure you maintain them correctly. Proper maintenance on a regular basis will help keep your vehicle working safely and effectively. You also need to consider your legal responsibility to maintain and inspect your vehicle so it can remain on the road.

If you’re not sure how best to prolong the life of your automobile or how regularly to perform maintenance, it’s worth getting some advice to keep your vehicle moving. With this in mind, here are six essential maintenance tasks to perform on a regular basis.

Visual inspection

At the end of each day, you should check your vehicle for oil leaks, worn cables, and tire punctures. You should also verify that all safety features (including brakes and PTO shields) are in place and that all your lights and hazard lights are working correctly. If you own a tractor or other farm vehicle, check that the neutral start switch is operating correctly before you switch off for the day. Doing this will prevent your vehicle from starting while it’s still in gear and help prevent accidents.  

Assess dirt build-up

A certain amount of dirt buildup is normal for vehicles in rural areas or farms, but excessive amounts could be a sign of an oil leak. Over time, leaks can cause rust, which will not only damage the look of your vehicle but also hamper its function. Repair for minor or major leaks might involve tightening or replacing hoses or clamps or tightening up your drain plugs.

Clean rust

You should clean rust from your vehicle on a regular basis to prevent build-up. Laser rust removal is by far the most effective and environmentally friendly way to clean any automobile, as it doesn’t require the use of harmful chemicals. Finding a rust removal unit can be costly, but the long-term results are well worth the investment.

Check oil levels

It’s good to start each day with a full tank of oil, so be sure to check your levels regularly and top up before you run out. If you own a tractor (particularly an older model), you should also check oil levels in gearboxes with their own reservoirs, as well as hydraulic and transmission fluid. Be aware that low engine-oil levels can be indicative of other problems in the case of any vehicle, such as minor leaks. When maintaining a tractor, internal oil leaks will usually show up first as blue smoke in the exhaust or as reduced power, so watch out for this.

Grease joints

You should lubricate your vehicle on a daily basis to keep the parts moving, especially before and during winter. Make sure you don’t miss out-of-the-way grease points such as small components and metal fittings. You can use a grease gun to target smaller lubrication spots more easily.

Clear away dirt and debris

Finally, any dirt or debris should be cleared out regularly using air pressure. If you’re cleaning with a pressure washer, take care not to damage seals or other components while you work. Lastly, don’t forget to visually inspect the vehicle’s grill screen and clear away any contaminants.

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