Caring For An Elderly Loved One

Written by Ben

June 5, 2019

Getting older is a fact of nature we all will have to face one day. With the people we love, like our parents, we want to be sure we care for them for in their later years of life as best as possible. As our parent’s age, there are decisions we will need to make to be sure their well-being is a top priority. It is hard to think of our loved ones of not being as independent as they once may have been. However, as time goes on, the effects of getting older can cause their quality of life to decline. Almost overnight, it can become clear that they can no longer care for themselves. You must decide if you are capable of caring for them yourself, or if looking into a comfortable assisted- living facility may be something you have to consider.

Many factors will come into play when making these decisions, one of many being are there any medical complications preventing you from caring for your parent yourself? Another factor to consider is any medications they may need to take daily, or even multiple times a day, and are you able to administer these medications in the allotted times. If we choose to care for our elderly parents, or they suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s, it can create obstacles for us to keep them safe if we are out of the house for extended periods of time. In many cases, we still must work to provide for our household and the fear of our parent possibly falling while we are away from the house can be a daunting and scary idea regarding their safety.

Another top priority in caring for our elderly family members is making sure they are comfortable. An elderly family member may have health issues like arthritis. Having the right bed, furniture, and other amenities for them is very important. Having a bed that can recline or lift into different positions may be a great option. Many elderly parents spend more time sitting than they may have before so getting a great recliner can make a world of difference in comfortability. Having a recliner like The Perfect Sleep Chair can offer many benefits such as reclining, a lifting footrest, heat and massage option and all-around support and comfort that our elderly loved ones need.

Another option to consider may be to have a nurse’s aide that can come to your home to assist for a set number of hours each day. Having a home aide can help to take a load of us and give peace of mind as to their quality of daily life. Determining if a home aide is necessary is not an easy decision. Examining if your parent can still perform activities of daily living on their own, also known as ADLs, can help you to make this determination. Check to see if your parent can still perform ADLs such as:

·        Feeding themselves unassisted

·        Able to use the bathroom alone

·        Personal hygiene (brushing hair, brushing teeth, shaving, etc.)

·        Bathing alone

·        Dressing themselves

·        Able to get in and out of bed and up and down stairs unassisted

If you notice these activities are becoming difficult for your loved one, maybe getting a home aide would benefit their daily life. Having everyone come together in the household may be needed to care for our elderly loved ones. Each family member can contribute to the well-being and happiness of our elderly family members. This can take the stress off of a single family member and sharing the responsibility can also bring all members of the household closer together.

We all want to make the golden years pleasant for our elderly parents. Having them live with us can be memorable and when the whole household pitches in, it can be a smooth transition. Understanding their specific needs is what it boils down to. As long as everyone is on the same page and focused on your loved one’s well-being, having them live with you can be the best approach for the golden years of their life. Being able to make as many memories as possible and enjoying the quality time you have can be even better by having a system in place and having the right amenities so that your elderly parents can live comfortable alongside you and the rest of your family.

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