How a Spy Camera Can Save Your Life

Written by Ty Pier

July 13, 2020

Security cameras do more than protect businesses from potential theft. Home surveillance is designed to provide security for your property. Like an all-seeing guard dog, home surveillance cameras keep a watchful eye over your home. Some devices contact you directly when a potential intruder is detected. More traditional devices will capture footage when turned on or triggered by movement, providing you with ample evidence that can be used to identify a criminal or used in a court case.

But how do these spy cameras go even further? Can they actually save your life?

The following considerations are just a few examples of how security cameras can protect you when you need them the most.

Prevent Break-ins and Robberies

One of the primary ways that home surveillance and spy cameras work to save lives is through the deterrence of crime. Across the world, security cameras have been shown to dissuade criminals from committing a crime in the first place. The sight of a camera is enough to stop burglars in their tracks, purely out of fear of being recorded in the act.  

Some simple installation methods that work wonders for deterring crime include:

  • Doorbell Cameras: Doorbell cameras let every person approaching your house know they are being recorded on camera. If somebody doesn’t happen to see the camera and decides to steal an Amazon package from your front door, you now have footage of them doing so.
  • Security Cameras: Security cameras can cover specific points of entry into your home, including driveways, front doors, rear doors, ground-level windows, etc. A criminal inspecting your property and home is bound to see these cameras and likely to move on to another property. 

Furthermore, certain cameras have the capability to contact you when an intruder passes by. Most modern cameras will contact you via text, email or through a smartphone app. Once you receive this information, you can immediately act by calling the police, securing your home and protecting your family. 

Baby Monitors Preventing Fatal Accidents

Baby monitor cameras should be a necessity for any parent because they can do more than show you whether your child is sleeping soundly at night.  

By providing a live feed of your child’s room, you’ll receive immediate notification if anything out of the ordinary happens. You’ll know if your child is calling out for help, coughing in a strange way, having trouble breathing or being harmed by another family member. In any of these instances, this immediate notification can ensure that your child is safe and allow you to act on any potential emergencies. 

In the case of a home invasion, a criminal might be after your child. If you receive any notification that your home has been broken into, you can check your baby monitor to determine whether or not your child is safe. While it’s best for you to immediately go to your child’s room, your baby monitor will give you a full view of the situation. The in-room camera can give you an extra layer of safety against any possible kidnapping attempt.

Spotting Criminals in Your Home

As mentioned above, modern security cameras have capabilities far beyond the surveillance cameras of past decades. New wireless cameras have the ability to contact you directly when someone is found within its field of view (FOV). 

While an outdoor camera system will alert you of a potential intruder approaching your home, indoor security cameras will alert you when someone has actually made their way inside. This notification is essential to have, as it allows you to act immediately regarding anyone that has entered your residence. 

Your immediate reactions can include the following, but you must act promptly to protect all of your family members: 

  • Contact the police immediately.
  • Safeguard your family together or ensure everybody is safely locked inside their room. 
  • Grab a self-defense weapon. This tactic should be a last resort, and you should not approach the criminal yourself. Again, it is in your best interest to wait for the police to arrive. However, a self-defense weapon will provide you with a level of protection if the intruder attempts to engage you or any of your family members.

If you’ve ever been concerned about the safety of your neighborhood and your home, it’s time to invest in spy cameras or home surveillance camera systems. They might end up protecting you when you least expect it. 

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