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Simple Life Hacks: How to Improve Yourself and Be the Best Man You Can

In life, no one is perfect, but that’s no excuse to be mediocre and give up trying. Being adaptable, having the ability to change and staying positive, is a huge asset in this world and can take you places. But, if you currently feel as if you are underachieving and want the best for you and your family, then you have to strive for self-improvement. The first thing above everything else is a will to improve oneself accompanied with a can-do mentality. That’s not to say a pig-headed mentality as that will get you nowhere. To achieve something, you have to be positive, realistic, and accepting of your limitations, as well as certain other things that may be personal to you. If you can develop the right will, you are already halfway there. And, it does not matter who you are, there is always room for improvement in whatever sphere you are playing. So, let’s investigate some methods for self-improvement:

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Diet and Exercise

Your body is like a machine and if you don’t treat it right, it’s not going to work properly. So, that means in practical terms you need to improve your diet and get some exercise. From the ground up, that translates as making better life choices. Don’t go to that drive-through, for instance, instead make some food at home. Buy fruits and vegetables and begin a calorie reduction diet if you are overweight. In addition to that, you should try and get some exercise into your routine. At least thirty minutes a few times a week would be a good start. Think walking, or jogging, or signing up for the gym membership. Exercise is such a great motivator in itself. You will find you have more energy and that you are better able to deal with stress. Exercise is a natural cortisol buster. Cortisol is the stress hormone, so getting a sweat on has many benefits, not just around your waistline.

Be Kind to Yourself

You are your own best motivator, and if you are constantly putting yourself down, then you are not going to be very motivated, are you? Be grateful for the things you have and the things you are good at and look at improving that aspect of you that you can, being mindful of tout strengths and weaknesses. You could indulge in a mediation routine to being honing your mind to focusing. Being better is all about focusing and dedication, so start the day with a few complimentary words to yourself, and this will put you in a positive and high-energy mindset, ready to take the world on.

Be Ambitious 

Ambition is different for everyone. So, you need to work out exactly what your own personal goals are and the steps you need to take to get there. If you want to be a pilot, for example, maybe you are wondering, how much does it cost to become a pilot? Well, there are plenty of places to find out what you need to know if you are prepared to put the research in. You may also wonder just what grades you need to get where you are going. Having ambition may mean that you have to go all the way back to the beginning and start the learning process again. But none of this makes a difference. If you want to improve yourself, learning is a key way to do it. Achieving the grades, you need to progress are all that matters. It does not make a difference if you are 25 or 55, it is never too late to upgrade yourself and your priorities. 

Have a Cold Shower

Ouch, you may think, especially if you live in a cold area, but a cold shower can actually offer you so many health benefits. They include increasing your blood flow, helping you focus, reducing stress, and improving your willpower. So, when you hit that proverbial brick wall, jump in the shower, and wack it on cold, this will help to develop a new way of thinking that may just be what you need to get you through the next big life hurdle. 

Learn to Deal with Pressure

If you want to get anywhere in life, you need to learn how to deal with pressure. Life, especially if you are on the way, up will be fraught with challenges and overwhelming situations. If you feel the stress level begin to mount, this is the time to focus. Maybe take some time out and figure out what needs to be done and in what order by prioritizing the tasks. Perhaps you need to develop great time-management skills so you can fit everything in. Or maybe you need to learn how to deal with people to get what you want done. Whatever the circumstance of your pressured situation, take it as a way to improve yourself, develop emotionally, as well as learn and grow. If you can stay cool under pressure, then you will be so much stronger and able because of it. Also, other people notice, and if it’s a boss you are trying to impress for a promotion at work, this is a great and practical way to prove yourself. 

Say What you Mean and Stick to Your Word 

What you say and how you say it counts. Every encounter you have with people affects how they see you and if you want to impress, don’t go back on a promise. It is important that you don’t overstate or over-promise as if you cant achieve what you said you could, you will not be respected or trusted. In addition, you need to promise enough to stay relevant. What you need to remember is that to be a man in the real world, you have to act like one. Don’t lie, exaggerate or cheat, be as honest as it makes sense to be. You need to nurture that image of respect, and that means acting the part and being the part.

Look the Part

Yes, image is important. How you dress is one of the first things that gets noticed when you go for a job interview. So you must dress the part. Wear a suit, get decent shoes, have a hear cut, be well-groomed. There are a whole range of things you can do to improve your looks, so it is definitely worth your while investing in this area. If you are going to be coming up against the competition, you can bet your bottom dollar that they will be concerned about their appearance. Every little helps, and looking the part is vital. It will also help when you go on those dates too.

Develop Your Interpersonal Skills

There is a lot to be said for someone who has the ability to get along with anyone. Life will seem to flow better for them, and people are more willing to help them too. If you are the shy and retiring type, you will need to develop collaboration skills, for example, if you plan on working on projects in the future. If you are in a class, you would be better off if you engaged with your fellow students and spoke to the teacher more too. There are many benefits of developing your interpersonal skills as the world and business are run by people. There is no getting away from this fact. Interviews are going to involve speaking to people and trying to impress them. Do not underestimate how important the ability to talk to anyone is.

Start a Hobby

Starting a hobby, especially if it is something that you always wanted to do, is such a great way to boost your self-esteem. They have the effect of forcing you to take some time out and focus your energy into something that is outside yourself, yet also a part of yourself. It can be a very liberating experience. If you can really get into a creative pursuit, for example, the process is akin to a meditative process. You find that you are so indulged in the act of creating that nothing exists except you and the world, and that can help declutter your mind. If you become good at what you are doing, you will find opportunities to meet people because of your hobby. If you want to be a cyclist, then you will eventually start going to distance rides. Or if you are a painter and want to hone your skills, then a art class may be something for you. A hobby can open your world, give you a focus you never had before and, in the vast majority of cases, make you a better person.

Surprise People

If you have never been one just to turn op and see someone, or buy a present, do it. Surprising people, especially the people you love, can make a huge impact and show them that you are a better, more improved version of yourself. Maybe you can show your parent your diploma they knew nothing about. That would be a great way to surprise them.  


I am the owner of and the Verizon Wireless Reviewer for My love of gadgets came from his lack of a Nintendo Game Boy when he was a child . I vowed from that day on to get his hands on as many tech products as possible. My approach to a review is to make it informative for the technofile while still making it understandable to everyone. Ben is a new voice in the tech industry and is looking to make a mark wherever he goes. When not reviewing products, I is also a 911 Telecommunicator just outside of Pittsburgh PA. Twitter: @gizmoboaks

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