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Market Research Hold a Great Promise for Multifamily Data

As the multifamily market continues to be highly competitive, investors are turning to data to make informed decisions and predict future business success. However, accessing accurate data and insights that is needed for this can be quite a challenge, considering that the industry is ever-evolving. Nevertheless, all is not lost. There is a great promise in market research. Investors and stakeholders in multifamily businesses can rely on market research to unlock valuable insights on the multifamily market that can help in their decision-making process.  Here is how market research is making it easier for multifamily businesses.

Market research gives insights on the population

The population of a place matters a lot when it comes to settling on an area to invest in real estate. This is because it is from the population that you are going to draw tenants from. Good market research that is focused on analyzing the population in a particular area can give valuable analytics. For instance, an ideal area for investing in multifamily property should have a population of over 250,000. In addition, it should be growing every year. The reason for this is that such a population promises a good number of potential renters who are likely to give you consistent income. In addition, a city with a huge population is likely to be a hotspot for other businesses and investors, which is important for population growth. Market research can help identify such numbers to inform your decision on the best area to invest in.

Market research helps know the demographic more

Besides the population, the demographic of the people residing in the city that you intend to invest in is also very important. Potential tenants for multifamily properties are likely to be families that are growing and from moderate to high-income families. Market research can help you understand the demographic by analyzing the population in terms of age, what they do, average income, what they spend their money on, and the like.

Market research reveals what renters want

Tenants’ needs keep evolving in the multifamily market. For instance, outdoor apartment amenities are the rage right now as tenants continue inclining more on living as a community. However, it is not in all areas that tenants are demanding it. In settings that are more rural, tenants would be less willing to pay for a green space since there are likely more green spaces in the neighborhood. The only way to understand what your multifamily needs to be on top of the competition is by analyzing the trends where you have invested or where you intend to invest. Moreover, this can be made easier through market research.

Market research digs more into the area

Market research can reveal several things about the area that you intend to invest in. For starters, it can tell much about the job market. At the very least, you need to consider investing in an area where the unemployment rate is low. Areas with high potential for income growth are those where jobs are growing at a high rate. In addition, the residents shouldn’t be relying on a single industry or employer for jobs. This means that job diversity should be evident. Secondly, market research should reveal data on the safety of the area. You need an area where the crime rate is low if you are to give your tenants the best experience.

Leave it to the experts

While market research holds such an important place for multifamily data, it is not always easy. Moreover, market research can only enhance decision-making if the data collected is accurate. You can eliminate the risk of data inaccuracy and inconsistency by partnering with an expert such as Radix. This is a cloud-based platform for multifamily market research and analytics. You can rely on their tested data analytics tools to give you verified real-time data that you need for decision-making. This not only saves you from inconclusive and inaccurate results, but it also saves you valuable resources that you could have otherwise used in gathering data manually.


As shown above, market research is the key to accessing valuable data in the multifamily market. With market research, investors and property owners can be in a better position to understand potential areas for investment as well as the emerging trends that can give a competitive edge.  However, for better results, it is better to leave the work to an experienced partner who can guarantee data accuracy.

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