How to Keep Your New Automobile Looking Great

Written by Ben

January 3, 2018

So, you’ve finally bought the automobile of your dreams. Perhaps you’ve taken out a hefty payment plan, or maybe your credit is maxed out to the limit. However you took the financial plunge, and chances are you want to avoid expensive bills from the mechanic and keep your new car in top shape so you can show off to your friends. To help you enjoy your new ride for years to come, here are five top tips for maintaining your car’s squeaky-clean appearance and keeping your wheels on the road.


Don’t Wash It Yourself


It’s tempting to try to avoid the cost of a professional car wash by cleaning your vehicle yourself, but going DIY could be doing more harm than good for the environment as well as your car. A 2011 study at the University of Texas indicated that a single home wash uses 20 times more water than a professional clean and can leave scratches as deep as a tenth of the paint’s total thickness. So, if you want to keep your automobile looking its best, a car wash from your local valet is one thing that’s worth splashing out for. 


Go Easy On the Glass


A smashed windshield or broken window may not seem like a disaster, but repairing the glass of a high-end luxury model could cost you between $340-$430 in labor costs alone. Windscreen repairs are even more expensive, and some are impossible to fix without replacement glass. To avoid hefty repair bills and having your car taken off the road, look after your glass by cleaning it regularly with a tightly woven microfiber cloth to prevent cracks forming.


De-Ice Carefully


Go easy on the de-icing products during winter. Harsh cleaning chemicals can cause the glass to break, as can vicious ice hacking with a sharp object, for obvious reasons, so plan ahead in frosty temperatures to avoid damaging your vehicle. You can apply a simple homemade solution using just vinegar and water to your car each evening to prevent overnight ice build-up and save yourself some cash.


Get Cracks Repaired Instantly


Inevitably, accidents happen, and sometimes window cracks are unavoidable. The key is to always act as soon as the damage occurs to prevent the problem worsening. Differences between outside and inside temperatures, as well as shocks and vibrations caused by rough terrain or road bumps, will cause small glass cracks to expand, making repairs difficult or impossible. To avoid the cost of a full replacement, find an automobile glass repair service that will come to you as soon as a crack appears. If you live in West Houston, for example, you can look up Katy auto glass repair and replacement services online and get a quote quickly and easily. 


Rainproof Your Vehicle


No one’s suggesting that a spot of rain can damage your car, but regular downfalls can wreak havoc on your wiper blades. Manufacturers recommend you replace your windshield wipers every three months to keep your windows in tip-top condition. It’s also advisable to keep a spare set of blades in your trunk in case your wipers stop working while you’re on the road.

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