Press Releases

Top Benefits of Using Biodegradable Lubricants

A variety of industries rely on lubricants to help with machinery performance and equipment optimization. While a biodegradable lubricant isn’t new to the world, its use is becoming more and more popular. With consumer satisfaction rates on the agenda, biodegradable lubricants offer many benefits to their users regardless of industry. Here are some of the top benefits to consider.

Performance Standards Are Exceptional

The chemical composition of biodegradable lubricants breaks down much faster than harshly sourced lubes and oils. In addition, most sustainable lubricants contain vegetable oil to some degree, which helps improve their ability to perform long-term. This is a significant victory for any industry that relies on machinery lubrication because performance is an integral part of production and profit.

Sustainable Options Can Assist in Compliance

A select few industries must meet compliance standards from the government. One of the fastest ways to control these industries’ environmental impact is to enforce strict sustainable efforts for essential processes. For example, biodegradable and sustainable lubricants and oils comply with government standards and help contribute to ethical efforts toward long-term sustainability.

Economically Advantageous

A biodegradable lubricant using soybean oil for production is economically advantageous to many industries. Farming and agriculture, in particular, benefit greatly from sustainable soybean oils because they use the soybean surplus for production, stimulating demand. This ultimately stabilizes the soybean market, making biodegradable lubricants a top choice for many farmers today.

Reduce the Dependency on Petroleum

The cost to acquire petroleum is significantly higher than many other resources. By using biodegradable materials, machine shops and other industries can reduce dependency on petroleum and effectively reduce expenses. This does not mean that biodegradable industrial lubricants don’t come with a price tag, but in the long run, they are a more economical solution.

There are many benefits of biodegradable lubricants, and industries of all varieties are taking advantage of their use and general purposes. Regardless of your industrial needs, there may be incentives for transitioning to sustainable lubes and oils.

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